A Guide to Choosing your Tobacco

7 Rabbit
3 min readJun 29, 2015


Beginner’s Guide to Pipe Smoking By Ted

First I must explain that each tobacco that you can buy has different levels of nicotine, room note, and the taste. Also there are three main types of Pipe Tobacco as follows:

  1. Aromatics tobacco: These are types of tobacco that flavoured (casing) with smells like cherry, vanilla, or even chocolate. There are a ton of flavourings that can be put into tobacco and they would smell wonderful and very enticing for beginners but be warned they are not for beginners. The flavourings on these types of tobaccos causes the tobacco to be wetter than usual because of humectants like Propylene Glycol that is a substance that keep the tobacco from drying out and will cause unbearable tongue bite for beginners who already tend to smoke fast and hot. My Borkum Rift Cherry sat in my draw for 6 months and i just took it out today to find that its still a bit wet!! The pouch isn’t even sealed so good luck trying to dry it out for a smoke.
  2. English tobacco: These are blends of tobaccos are will taste and smell as you would expect tobacco would like earthy, meaty, woodsy, campfire kind of smell somewhat heavy. This type of tobacco you might not think to like at the beginning but trust me after about 4 or 5 months it will be all that you would want.
  3. Virginia Tobacco: These blends of tobaccos would smell lighter than the english very grassy, hay, barnyard that kind of smell.

Conclusion and Suggestions

Usually the pattern people would go through is aromatics then English and Virginias together depending on which you like more and that not the wrong way to do it but what I would suggest is you should start with a light english like McClellen’s Frog Morton Cellar or Peter Stokkebye Balkan Supreme. These are very light low nicotine english tobacco that are perfect for beginners. But sometimes the Frog Morton Cellar can come a tad too moist so if feels wet when you are squeezing the tobacco then pour it out of the tin and leave it out to dry for an hour or so then you are good to go.

These are links to buy these two tobaccos:

  1. http://www.smokingpipes.com/tobacco/by-maker/mcclelland/moreinfo.cfm?product_id=107867
  2. https://www.4noggins.com/peter-stokkebye-balkan-supreme.aspx

Here are some Sample packs from 4noggins you might like so you can try many brands in one go:

Any Questions feel free to ask in the comments thanks for reading

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