The One Surprising Tip That Guarantees a Good Interview

How to ace your next job interview.

If you’re going through a job search, you know how competitive the interview process can be. And you’d probably like to know some ways to increase your chances of beating out the competition for an offer.

Here’s a proven interview hack I recently shared on Quora.

My Favorite Interview Hack

My favorite interview hack is winning the interview with the questions YOU ask!

I vividly remember my interview for my very first job out of grad school.

I went in with a list of questions based on my research of the job and the organization. My list was pretty long, so I assumed I wouldn’t have time to get all of my questions answered.

However, what happened was I asked them more questions than they asked me! And not only did I get to ask all my questions on my list, I got to ask additional ones that came up in conversation.

I left the interview thinking I probably wouldn’t get an offer since I didn’t get asked very many questions.

But a week later I got the offer! When I accepted the offer, I asked my interviewers what made them choose me from the other candidates.



Lori Bumgarner Béen, Career Coach

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