What’s new in Graal Languages 24.1

Alina Yurenko
Published in
5 min readSep 17, 2024

Today, along with GraalVM for JDK 23, we are also releasing a new version of Graal Languages: 24.1. This version is designed for use with GraalVM for JDK 23, but it is also compatible with GraalVM for JDK 21 (LTS). Let’s look at what’s inside this release!

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First stable release of GraalPy and GraalWasm 🚀

GraalPy and GraalWasm are now considered stable! You can use them to run your production workloads (you can also get support via Oracle GraalVM). For GraalPy, at the moment we prioritize pure Python code and Jython use cases. As you might remember, embedding the languages in Java is now as easy as adding two Maven dependencies — see how you can get started for your project, or try out our demo.

GraalPy 🐍

GraalPy is now ready for production workloads! 🎉

Our priority is on pure Python code and Jython use cases. While many Python packages such as numpy that leverage native extensions work, their use is still considered experimental. You can use the command-line option --python.WarnExperimentalFeatures to enable warnings for such modules at runtime. In Java embeddings, the warnings are enabled by default and you can suppress them by setting the context option python.WarnExperimentalFeatures to false.

Our Python version is now updated to 3.11.7.

The _pickle module is now intrinsifed, providing a better developer experience.

polyglot.eval now raises more meaningful exceptions. Unavailable languages raise aValueError. Exceptions from the polyglot language are raised directly as interop objects (typed as polyglot.ForeignException). The shortcut for executing Python files without specifying language has been removed, use regular eval for executing Python code.

In Jython emulation mode, we now magically fall back to calling Java getters or setters when using Python attribute access for non-visible properties. This can help migrating away from Jython if you rely on this behavior.

The option python.EmulateJython to enable Jython emulation is now marked as stable, and can thus be relied upon in production.

Also, GraalPy now uses https://www.graalvm.org/python/wheels/ as the default value for the --extra-index-url pip option. This allows you to download pre-built binaries for popular Python packages instead of building from source. Let us know what other packages you want to use with GraalPy in the future. And feel free to also reach out to Python package maintainers to ask them to test with and build wheels for GraalPy (such as via setup-python).

A demo that uses the `vaderSentiment` Python package in a Micronaut application.



In addition to going stable, we have several new features in this release.

  • We implemented the SIMD proposal. This feature is enabled by default and can be disabled with the option --wasm.SIMD=false.
  • We also implemented clock_res_get, fd_advise, fd_datasync, fd_fdstat_set_rights, fd_filestat_set_size, fd_pread, fd_pwrite, fd_readdir, fd_renumber, fd_sync and fd_tell in wasi_snapshot_preview1.
Photon running on GraalWasm and GraalJS in a Spring Boot application.

Espresso (Java on Truffle)

  • Espresso can now use TRegex to execute java.util.regex patterns. TRegex offers better performance than the standard implementation. Use java.UseTRegex to enable this engine.
  • Fixed several JDWP compatibility issues improving the user experience when debugging Java on Truffle with a Java IDE.
  • Added the org.graalvm.continuations package, along with support for continuations. The continuations feature of the Espresso VM allows you to control the program stack. When a continuation is suspended the stack is unwound and copied onto the heap as ordinary Java objects. When a continuation is resumed those objects are put back onto the stack, along with all the needed metadata to resume execution at the pause point. The heap objects can be serialized to resume execution in a different JVM running the same code (e.g. after a restart).
  • See the Espresso Continuations documentation for more details.


  • TruffleRuby updated to Ruby 3.2.4.
  • Many compatibility and bug fixes, as well as significant performance improvements, see the full changes.

Virtual threads for Graal Languages 🎉

We have implemented one of the features highly anticipated in our languages community — virtual threads. At the moment this feature is experimental, and it’s available for Graal Languages running on JVM and on Native Image. It also works on GraalVM for JDK 21 in JVM mode thanks to Truffle Unchained. On Native Image it uses one physical thread per virtual thread.

Protecting Against Stack Overflows

We also have added the option engine.InterpreterCallStackHeadRoom to protect against stack overflow in the middle of a guest method execution in the interpreter, Enabled random offsets of runtime compiled functions entry points for the UNTRUSTED polyglot sandbox policy. GraalVM additionally pads the starting offset of functions with a random number of trap instructions which helps prevent a potential JIT spray attack.

Truly Memory Safe JIT Compilers

Check out this excellent blog post from Mike Hearn, where he talks about how an entire class of safety bugs is eliminated in Graal languages, such as GraalJS: because the semantics of the language are defined by the memory-safe interpreter and then partially evaluated, the generated machine code is also memory safe by construction.

Community and Ecosystem

  • GraalJS meets IntelliJ IDEA! ❤️ They have upgraded the JavaScript execution engine used in the HTTP Client to GraalJS. This enables using all GraalJS features, including full support for the ECMAScript 2023 specification, when testing endpoints with IntelliJ IDEA’s HTTP Client and using JavaScript in .http files to handle the results.
  • Apple have announced their new configuration language, Pkl, which is built on top of Truffle. It lets you define your data and then generate output for JSON, YAML, Property Lists, and other configuration formats.


We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing contributors and community for all the feedback, suggestions, and contributions that went into this release.

If you have feedback for this release or suggestions for features that you would like to see in future releases, please share them with us on Slack, GitHub, or Twitter.

— the GraalVM team



Alina Yurenko

I love all things tech & community. Developer Advocate for @graalvm, blog posts about programming, open source, and devrel.