How Do Italians Stay Fit After Eating Pasta and Pizza All Day Long

6 reasons why Italy has the lowest obesity rate in Europe.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A woman eating pizza.
Photo by Adrienn

Italians make delicious food. They are well versed in the art of flavor and aroma. They have conquered the culinary world by the balls when it comes to making healthy, tasty, and affordable dishes.

Italians are known worldwide for their pizzas and pasta. Both carb-focused dishes that they eat daily, yet they have the lowest obesity rate compared to other developed nations.

Italians thrive on their delicious food while Americans keep getting fatter and fatter on the same food.

So, what is the secret behind Italians' health?

1. Post Prandial walk

Italians live an active life. They believe in burning off the calories with a good long walk rather than dieting.

La Passeggiata is an age-old Italian ritual that they still follow. It is a leisure walk that Italians take multiple times during the day specifically after meals.

Post-prandial walks are necessary for regulating blood glucose levels after a meal. Walking even for 10 minutes after a meal can help you manage blood sugar efficiently.



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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