Don’t Forget to Do These 5 Things After a Run

Make an effort to recover easily.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


After a long difficult run, all you want to do is sit and breathe to calm down your racing heart, to sit in peace, and feel the energy coursing through your body. It is difficult to stick to a post-workout routine as you feel tired and hungry.

It took me the longest time to follow a good post-run routine because I was always famished and lazy after a run. My post-run routine from 3 years ago was to go to my favorite bakery to devour cookies and brownies. It is safe to say that I was completely ignorant about the importance of a good post-run routine.

A post-run routine is essential for recovery, how you treat your body after a run determines how speedy your recovery will be. It is important to adopt the habits that will make you a better and faster runner. You should do everything you can for a short and effective recovery.

Here are five things that you should never skip after a grueling run.

1. Take Time to Cool Down

Cooling down is an integral part of the run. It is important to follow a good cooling down process for an effective recovery. It helps in

  • Regulating blood flow
  • Relaxes Muscles



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-