Occidental College (L.A.)

Anonymous Student

2 min readOct 6, 2014

Monday, September 15-Thursday, September 18:

Number of times in one day: None

Friday, September 19:

Number of times in one day: 1

Time of day: Early evening.
Were you alone? No
Was he alone? No

Where was it? Neighborhood in which part of my campus is situated. Highland Park, Los Angeles, CA 90042.
What happened?
A middle-aged man was standing with a group of a few other men who looked to be his age. He yelled out, “Did you ladies forget how to smile” and “Let’s see a smile.”

Saturday, September 20:

Number of times in one day: None

Sunday, September 21:

Number of times in one day: None

Monday, September 22:

Number of times in one day: 1

Time of day: Around noon
Were you alone? Yes
Was he alone? No
Where was it? Same as previous catcall: Highland Park, Los Angeles, CA 90042.
What happened? Middle-aged man driving past me with a car full of other men. The man in the passenger seat whistled at me as the car drove past.

