Graphic Designer, Photoshop / Illustrator

My graphic design work in photoshop & Illustrator

Sergio Marrero
Sergio Marrero’s  Portfolio
2 min readApr 18, 2014


Area: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Marketing

These are a collection of my photoshop work. I have used photoshop to design my own shoes, create album artwork, create landscapes layouts, and flyers for college events. Some of the work is dated, but just thought I would leave a sample.

Photoshop files and final product of the custom artwork created for the custom Converse sneakers
Mock-ups of the product & service innovation our Harvard Business School FIELD team developed for client Country Style Cooking (CSC) in Chongqing, China. I created the mock-ups and they were included in the final presentation to CSC, seen here:
Artwork created for the first open voting student president campaign by Herculano Fernandez, I participated in concept sketches and developed the team of the campaign
Logo and images created for a senior capstone project
Logo created for the Northeastern University dance troop
Sketching logo concepts with the USAdelante team
Logo mock ups from the drawings sketched
Images from the virtual shopping cart prototype video I made as apart of my final thesis for Industrial Engineering
Heating zone layout for the bottom floor of my parents house after construction
Heating zone layout for the top floor of my parents house after construction
My summer project was to landscape the backyard the summer of my first year. I designed the layout and added layers in photoshop with each color representing a different zone of the sprinkler system
In following diagrams I included the overlay for the different sprinkler heads and also the anticipated growth coverage based on the size and type of trees and shrubs planted in the garden
Front and back of a flier created during college. Image is a combination of illustrations and pictures taken from Northeastern University’s campus
Montage of fliers created for on campus events
Additional fliers created for on campus events
Album artwork created for sample album
Album artwork for DVD editing project for the graduating class

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