Circle Maramma Temple, Bangalore. Photo by Vidya Sury ©

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She is coming!

September Six Word Photo Story Challenge: “Comfort”


Shakti— victory of good over evil

The mega-10-day-festival of Navratri begins on 26 September and ends on 5 October this year. We are excited about the celebrations, sweets, treats, family and friends getting together and all the trappings that go with this fabulous time of year.

But I am guessing you want to know the story behind Navratri, right? Here you go.

The demon, Mahishasur did serious penance for Lord Brahma (of the Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva fame), who, pleased, granted him the boon of immortality with the rider that he could be killed only by a woman.

Aside: I’ll never understand why the gods were so free with their boons. Also, underestimating a woman? Sexist much?

Anyway — Mahishasur wreaked havoc on heaven, hell, and earth. Unable to bear his nonsense any longer, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva joined forces and created a powerful goddess — Durga.

Now there are several stories about how it all went down for Mahishasur— but I’ll tell you the one that made me giggle.

Dazzled by the gorgeous woman riding her fierce lion, armed with divine weapons, the silly demon asked her to marry him.

Rolling her eyes, thinking sucker, Durga said she would if he could defeat her in battle.

They fought for 9 days. Mahishasur kept shapeshifting. On day 10, Durga beheaded Mahishasur and fed him to her lion.

Navratri celebrates the nine-day battle, the victory of good over evil, honoring the nine forms of Durga.

Devotees take comfort in the fact that there is a divine force to protect them.

Fun fact: I was born on day 9 of Navratri, during Saraswati Puja, and was named Vidya Saraswati.

Happy Navratri!

Thank you for the great September prompt, Ellie Jacobson

Thank you my dearest Mary Chang Story Writer — you are the best ❤

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?

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Curious about how different parts of India celebrate Navratri? Read my post here:



Six Word Photo Story Challenge

Boost Nominator, Publisher, Namaste Now! Editor, The Narrative Arc, Poet. Loves coffee, travel, cooking, photography, kicking diabetes' ass.