What If You Need Vitamins Instead of Psychiatric Drugs? Ever Heard of Pyroluria?

Mental health symptoms are due to other factors besides faulty brain chemicals and can be easily treated.

Katie Beecher
Thrive Global
2 min readJan 5, 2017


watercolor by Katie Beecher

As a Licensed Professional Counselor and Medical Intuitive with thirty years of experience I am happy to report that thankfully, more doctors and Psychologists are learning about the connection between nutrition and mental health as well as the various non-psychiatric conditions that can effect mental health. Unfortunately, however, it isn’t happening fast enough and too many people are put on serious medications, diagnosed with stigmatizing conditions like bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, ADHD, even schizophrenia when they might actually have other things going on.

Even if the psychiatric condition does exist, other issues may be present as well that are never even mention, much less tested for. Pyloria is only one of these fairly common conditions. Simply described, it is a genetic condition that results in a deficiency of B6 and zinc because of an over production of Pyrroles. Pyrolles are involved in heme, which make blood red. The condition is aggravated by stress and it is discovered via a simple urine test. You can also assess your risk if you have had DNA testing. The SNP is Rs4654748 on the gene NBPF3, with the variation of C rather than T.

I found statistics online stating that between 30–70% of schizophrenics, 40% of alcoholics, 35% of people with Autism and Bipolar and 40% of adults with Psychiatric Disorders have Pyroluria.

It’s symptoms can mimic many of those found in the issues I mentioned above and more including:

  • menstrual cramps with heavy bleeding
  • sensitivities and sensory issues, poor sense of smell or taste
  • pale skin that easily burns
  • poor dream recall
  • constipation tendency
  • low iron or ferritin
  • dyslexia
  • introversion
  • easily upset by criticism, mood swings
  • hypoglycemia
  • dislikes eating protein
  • white flecks on nails
  • sensory processing disorder
  • upper abdominal pain
  • and more

Treatment is simple and includes supplementation with B6, zinc, Omega 6, Magnesium, Magnesium and Manganese. Recovery from symptoms may take weeks to months depending on severity of nutritional deprivation and symptoms.

I encourage you to research this condition for yourself and find a naturopath, integrative physician, integrative Psychiatrist or other similar practioner if you suspect you may have it. Do not attempt to supplement or treat yourself because it could make your symptoms worse and cause you to fall into a greater imbalance.

Some of the information from this article was found on www.homeopathyforwomen.org



Katie Beecher
Thrive Global

Medical & Spiritual Intuitive & Licensed Counselor. “Eerily accurate” — GOOP. Book: Heal from Within: A Guidebook to Intuitive Wellness www.katiebeecher.com