17 Machiavellian Business Rules From The Godfather Book That Are Legal

Dark psychology behind the timeless Mafia classic

Philip David
10 min readMar 2, 2024

The Godfather is one of those stories that remain hidden in the plain sight; present in everyday situations, contained within details and characters, waiting for the right moment just to be revived once again in all of its profane glory.

How deeply entrenched into modern culture this classic is, the best tells this not-so-well-known anecdote about its creator.

Mario Puzo had zero experience as a screenwriter when he published this masterpiece. Ultimately, he ended up co-screenwriting the movie adaptation together with the legendary Francis Ford Coppola. The movie was wildly popular, winning 2 Oscars later on.

After achieving such high praise for his work, Puzo got interested to learn more about movie-making, so he bought a book on how to write a screenplay. In the first chapter the advice read: “Study the movie The Godfather.”

My reading journey of this classic was lengthy and smooth. I spent almost 3 months to read 400+ pages, but I took my time with it, if you know what I mean.

There was no need to rush it. Once again I was proved how invaluable it is to pace yourself properly. During this time, I learned a lot about values, business, life, and more which I’d like now to share with you.

So let’s begin.

Disclaimer: Spoiler alert!!!

The Godfather — Marlon Brando in smoking suit raising his hand to the level of his face.
Image source: Imgur.com

1. Hide your emotions.

People by nature seek comfort in patterns and predictability. Do not let them have this advantage over you. By masking your emotions, you can throw off their expectations right away, having them stay on tiptoes around you, decreasing their influence in your interactions.

2. Hide your intentions.

Make it a habit. You will move easier from checkpoint to checkpoint with less friction. Nobody can disturb your energy on your way to the goal, if nobody knows what you’re up to.

3. Command and give respect.

Learn to recognize the pain points of other people so you can resolve them. This is how you gain respect and trust with small deeds. Connect with others by demonstrating virtues such as compassion, support and aligned values. Giving respect embodies all of these.

Remember, a hand that gives never goes dry is a powerful saying that can help you go the distance in business.

4. Assess your position strategically like you’re on a chess board.

Life is one big game of chess, and so is business too! Before making any moves, be thoughtful about your options. Consider all the players involved before predicting the impact of your actions, as well as counter-responses. This skill needs to flow naturally.

Regarding the book examples, think of a scene where Tom Hagen was sent to negotiate with Waltz about the movie role. Waltz was wise enough to properly assess his position and find the reason to keep Hagen around. Even though it didn’t end well for him later, Waltz was aware of this principle which allowed him to play his part well at that moment.

5. Nurture deeper connections with your associates.

Friendship is more than talent. It is more than government. It is almost the equal of family. Never forget that. If you had built up a wall of friendship you wouldn’t have to ask me to help.

6. Make other side think reasonably in order to convince them.

The lack of mutual understanding is probably the main factor when it comes to negotiation. Making a reasonable offer depends on how well you understand the other party’s needs.

If the offer is reasonable but still not accepted, then it means that the other party is unreasonable because of something. Keeping this in mind will allow you to timely react during the negotiation and resolve any irrationally caused obstacles.

7. Consider value system and sensibilities before evaluating the meaning of the words.

Don Corleone’s value system was different from the majority, so his words did not carry the same depth of meaning. Tom Hagen was aware of this, and he managed to understand Don perfectly because of that.

8. Be ‘political’ when it comes to decision-making.

The guys were sitting in the room discussing the plan to hit back on Sollozzo, and Michael said he will be the one to pull the trigger that would avenge his father. This is the moment when Mike goes through a massive character transformation before our own eyes. His dark side emerges by him making a logical, strategically best decision that would later on succeed.

Despite the fact that the captain broke his jaw nights ago, his lucid reasoning was not affected at all. Instead, Mike was thinking politically, making a bold strategy that made a long-term impact, and stirring the plot until the very end.

I do not refer here to being a politician in a literal sense, but rather to think long-term with cold head, especially while making big decisions.

Revenge is a dish best served cold. — Don Vito Corleone

Another important instance of this rule was when Don gathered all the families together to make peace in the effort of bringing Michael back. As it is mentioned in the book, Don made peace with other families, not because of the weakness, but to bring his son home safely after a long time in exile.

The scene produced one of the best speeches ever recorded in mafia genre held by Don Vito Corleone himself. It ended with peace settlement between him and Emilio Barzini, the head of the family responsible for the murder of Don’s son Sonny.

The special touch to this whole scene was a testimony to Don’s depth of character. It was a moment when both of them shook hands and hugged each other to seal the peace treaty.

Again, this scene perfectly shows the beauty of masterful conflict resolution through rational judgement of great Don Vito Corleone.

9. Personal care goes the long way.

Don always believed in the idea of personal attention. It speaks volumes about the one’s character; it’s also a major sign of respect.

Tom Hagen never had a good impression of the famous singer Johnny Fontane, but one detail improved forever his picture about Don’s godson.

After concluding the business deal with Waltz, the lawyer decided to go back home and Johnny took the initiative to personally drive him to the airport.

Hagen was very close with Don. Because of that he adopted many of his virtues. One of them was a distinguished sensibility for mannerism. Since Johhny was ‘part of the family’, he understood this nuances which caused Hagen to be touched by this simple gesture of personal care.

11. Let enemies overestimate your faults. Have friends underestimate your virtues.

He claimed that there was no greater natural advantage in life than having an enemy overestimate your faults, unless it was to have a friend underestimate your virtues. — Mario Puzo, The Godfather.

Tessio had a slightly different opinion about Michael when he became the head of the Corleone family. He could sense some kind of concealed power within him, something fierce and unforgiving that lingered under the shroud of mystery.

Mike established the behavior thanks to the advice of his father.

12. Be as subtle as you can, but upfront just enough to convey the meaning.

There is nothing worse than throwing anger in business, and Don always condemned Sonny’s behavior because of that.

He claimed that threatening is the stupidest way to reveal one’s intentions. As a matter of fact, no one ever saw the Godfather given over to unbridled fury, or out of control in any way. This discipline and composure was exactly what his oldest son was lacking so he wanted to pass it on to him.

Another instance of this rule appeared somewhere later in the book.

When Sonny was murdered, Tom Hagen called Carlo Rizzi to inform him about the accident. The order for him was to be a good husband that takes care of his wife. He was supposed to keep his mouth shut, because someone would eventually tell Connie about it the next day.

In exchange, Tom promised that he will take care of him in the upcoming turbulent times so he does not need to worry if anyone will connect his fight with Sonny to the recent murder. Hagen never threatened in his talks because that’s what Don despised the most.

However, Carlo Rizzi received the message clearly. In the end, he even expressed his gratitude for the good relationship between them.

13. Study your superiors to predict their reactions.

After the incident with Sonny, It was up to Tom to announce the news to Don Vito, who was still bound to bed. That made him hesitant, which is shown in the brief insight we have into his thoughts.

He decided that he will not express weakness in front of Don; he will not show self-rebuke or remorse, because that would prove his father that he made a mistake by giving him the responsibility of consigliere, which would only increase the amount of overall pressure.

His delivery will be firm, but his reaction will be based on Don’s initial response— if he wants him to cry, he will cry, and if he wants him to show remorse, he will do so.

Tom Hagen definitely knew how to approach Don Corleone on delicate matters better than anyone else.

14. Don’t poke the bear.

Did you really think the article about best mafia story ever would go without mentioning omertà?

During the mid-19th century, Sicily was a poor island where police brutality had no limit. People could barely feed themselves just to survive, so they learned to never show anger or hatred towards police in order to avoid problems. Even as little as threating someone was enough to get you into big trouble.

That’s when the underground organization called Mafia was born. Every problem would be kept away from the officials and reported straight to the Mafia. Then the hand of unmerciful justice would catch up any wrongdoer who dared to cause harm.

The only rule was to keep your mouth shut in front of the police. That rule is known in Sicily as omertà.

What is the point here? Do not start a fight you can’t finish. Don’t fight someone who is stronger than you. Instead, use your brains to think strategically about how to overcome your enemies who have advantage.

15. Use factual arguments to defend yourself. Then, impose your will on anyone standing in your way.

When Dr. Jules accepted Michael’s generous offer to work in the new hospital, he asked to be spared from any returning favors in the future. The recently appointed don handled the situation perfectly.

He told the young surgeon he would not be asked for any favors but he only wants to give him back what he lost (Jules was officially forbidden to work as surgeon because he was caught performing abortions, which were illegal at that time).

Michael didn’t want anything in return, but even if he would ask for anything, what would be the issue? He reminded the doctor that the Corleone family had his back when no one else was there for him.

Would Michael be foolish enough to request anything from him beyond the typical assistance he’d readily offer any other friend? He stated that this would be his request, but he can of course deny it if he wants so. This argument folded Dr. Jules causing him to blush from shame of his words.

16. Learn to say no to people so they like it.

On Johnny Fontane’s question about how to effectively say no to others, Don replied that he cannot say no to people he cares for, at least not frequently. But when he tells them, it should sound like yes, or make them refuse so they say no themselves.

17. Instill irrational fear in your most exceptional talent to earn devoted loyalty.

Luca Brasi was an exceptional man with exceptional talents. The only thing more remarkable than his terrifying stories was the utmost loyalty to Don Vito Corleone.

In reality, he was a madman unafraid of death; he was actually seeking one with his actions.

In proper hands, he was the invaluable weapon. How did the Godfather make this happen? He instilled a fear into a man who was unafraid of God himself.

The thing is when you have such persona, if you can plant a fear into them that is so extreme and irrational — not the fear of ceasing to exist, but of dying by your very own hand — then you can own them.

Similarly, this philosophy can be watered down to make a great business wisdom.

When you have extraordinary performer, someone who clearly stands out, there is usually no way to stop them from leaving. This person will eventually find their way to grow further and there is nothing you can do about it, unless you allow it to happen for them within your business.

If you can offer them what they seek the most, if you can set them free to hunt their deepest ambitions, then you have the potential to instill this kind of fear in them.

This horror is not contained in losing the job but losing the opportunity to develop at pace if they would choose another employer. You would create for them such huge opportunity cost of leaving you, and that fear of missing out will boost their loyalty tremendously.

Every classic is a classic for a good reason. I started reading The Godfather for fun. I was curious about the difference between the movie plot and the actual story, but soon enough the book inspired me to develop my own ideas about business. That’s how I ended up here writing this.

Hope you enjoyed it! If you found any applicable business wisdom that can benefit you and your goals, feel free to support me by sharing the story with your network. Cheers!

