The Only 4 French Food Tips You Need to Follow to Eat to Your Heart’s Desire

Learn the French way to live a healthy restriction-free life.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A woman eating ice-cream.
Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash

The French are known for their controversial way of living. They are free-spirited and they let their desires guide them.

The French love food and they hold no qualms about eating whatever their heart desires.

They are known worldwide for their cholesterol-boosting French Paradox diet.

The French follows these four fundamentals to eat anything they want without even an ounce of guilt.

1. The key to a delicious meal

French people have a vicinity for long lunches.

The key to any great meal is variety. Different color smells, and textures will mesmerize your tastebuds.

More variety ensures that you will be satiated for a long time. Also, it keeps the meal interesting and fun.

A French lunch consists of an appetizer, a main course, and a dessert. You can eat all these items without any restriction or a second thought.

The variety of vegetables, meats, and fruits is pleasing to the eye and the appetite.

How you can do it:-



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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