Republican Marjorie Taylor Green Makes Other Cheaters Look Good

The QAnon Capital Queen stoops to new lows

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
The Scarlett Letter
3 min readFeb 13, 2021


(Reuters: Erin Schaff/AP: Erin Scott)

Let me start by saying — I will never judge a cheater.

I won’t for two reasons:

  • It’s bad for business
  • It’s bad for my reputation as a cheater

That might sound strange, but I’m not about to throw stones from my glass house, but Jesus Marjorie, QAnon? And covid hoax?

I’m not sure what the IQ of the average QTard is, but I imagine it takes about three Marjorie’s worth of brainpower to form a coherent sentence. A sentence that doesn’t refer to baby-eating deep state actors or call covid the Wuhan flu, anyway.

If Washington was a swamp, I’m not sure QTard Marjorie could be trusted not to eat the blue-green algae floating on top. You know, the stuff that can kill your dog?

That girl is not going to help drain anything not attached to a cock.

Which makes me wonder, how does this woman manage to openly share her body with affair partners while remaining happily married? That must have been quite the feat, and I’d like to learn more.

I guess that she’s so nuts her husband wouldn’t dare mention it.

