ZeeRights Progress Update — UI design, features and functions

3 min readMay 22, 2018


In an era of overloaded information, the most powerful weapons to survive in the long run are creativity and innovation. Unfortunately, those who are creative enough are currently plagued by risks of plagiarism, difficulties and inefficiencies of copyright validation and protection. All of these burning issues are holding back the creativity and something must be done to disrupt this and build a sound ecosystem that can flourish creativity. Apart from effective mechanism built for copyright validation and protection, the spread of value also plays an important role in current creative marketplace.

ZeeRights homepage

Here comes ZeeRights, an important part of ZEEPIN’s ecosystem, aiming to solve the pain points of the cultural and creative industry by providing services in creative assets digitization, copyright registration, and copyright transaction. Content creators can use ZeeRights to register their copyright and obtain the valid certification. Thus, the rights confirmation, fueled by the revolutionary technology of blockchain, can protect creative works. As for the creativity demanders, ZeeRights will cut off middlemen, facilitate more efficient decision-making, provide more in-depth knowledge and establish trust for the content.

Iteration on ZeeRights has been hatched by product & tech team for the last five months, which resulted in more customized functionalities compared to its previous version in 2017. The updated beta version will be online by the end of May.

The current version of ZeeRights mainly focuses on copyright registration, copyright transaction, and market display.

1. Copyright Registration:

The creators can upload their creative work via ZeeRights. After entering the copyright information and the introduction of the work, each work will get the unique ZEEPIN blockchain copyright hash. The hash code will be the only identity that helps authenticate the creative work, through which the copyright information can be traced.

Copyright registration confirmation in ZeeRights

2. Copyright Transaction

Creators can also use the “Copyright Pro” to price the works that have obtained the copyright certificate according to their needs (pay method currently limited to ZPT). The priced works are displayed on the “Transaction Market” and can be browsed and purchased by the demand side. This will facilitate more efficient, convenient and credible environment for copyright transactions.

3. Display on “Transaction Market”

In ZeeRights, all registered works can be displayed and searched in the “Transaction Market” along with pricing, which allows creativity demanders access to all the details and content of the works. A subsequent version of ZeeRights will be more versatile including “smart display” and so on.

The first-round internal test of beta version will be announced in late May. We sincerely invite experts in the cultural and creative industry as well as those who are familiar with ZEEPIN community to join the beta test and offer your feedback, comments, and valuable suggestions. For more details please stay tuned for our follow-up announcement.


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A decentralized network for creators & creative assets. |website: https://www.zeepin.io |