Adultery Law— Criminal Conversation & Alienation of Affection

Suing over defilement of the marital bed.

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2020


An old court room scene with several lawyers appearing before a judge.
Photo by The New York Public Library on Unsplash

In 1999 a Duke University professor, George Gopen, sued his wife’s lover, Dr. John Breitner, in a North Carolina court for “luring” his wife away.

The claim was the plaintiff was deliberately alienated from his wife’s affection by Dr. Stud. Professor Cuck wanted $1.5 million in damages.

That’s right!

If you live in the right jurisdiction, you can sue your spouse’s lover for defiling your marital bed!

Criminal Conversation” is the name of the tort, or claim of loss, used in civil court to make a claim. When used in this context, conversation is an old-timey reference to fucking, which was criminal outside of marriage, but only in civil court.

Alienation of Affection,” roughly translates to, “he took my pussy and won’t give it back,” in court speak.

Anyone with a sibling will no doubt be familiar with this accusation from their youth, where mom was usually…

