August 2018: GitHub Development Bounty Winners

Rok Černec | Blog
Published in
8 min readSep 2, 2018

The month of August is over and so is our August bounty. We would like to thank everyone who contributed, and would like to invite more to get involved — it’s never too late to join! (scroll to the end for instructions on how to get started).

The August 2018 GitHub Bounty Program has seen tremendous activity throughout many GitHub repos. There are now over 60 official repositories encompassing a wide variety of projects and programming languages — something for every developer to dig into!

Don’t forget that we have numerous official SDK repos covering all the major programming languages, so if you’d like to get started we have you covered.

September 1st — September 30th rewards will be:

1st : $2,000 USD

2nd: $1,500 USD

3rd: $1,000 USD

4th–6th: $250 USD / each

7th–10th : $50 / each

(+ merged PR’s — $10 and for merged Core v2 PRs $20 each)

Missed what this is all about and you want to get involved?
Read : “
ARK GitHub Development Program Bounty”.

August 2018 Winners:

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1st place: 2,000 USD
Github User: Dated
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2nd place: 1,500 USD
Github User: Supaiku0
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Special thanks to Supaiku0 for developing the Rust Client and Rust Crypto SDKs (80+ commits that are not covered in this overview).

  • Don’t load .env in test environment 2018–08–28 12:57:18core#210823045
  • Return empty object instead of array 2018–08–27 04:36:23core#210823970

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3rd place: 1,000 USD
Github User: roks0n
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4th-6th place: 250 USD / each (no particular order)
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Github User: wownmedia

Github User: JeremiGendron

  • Tests/graphql query skel 2018–08–23 11:35:38core#209930765
  • PoC GQL tests (basic fixtures and structure) 2018–08–21 02:55:40core#209628602
  • Docs/graphql 2018–08–20 05:44:09core#209180515
  • Nice GQL tests config 2018–08–13 13:45:52core#207853366
  • Graphql/tests minimum viability 2018–08–10 10:49:08core#206267949
  • rm all commented console.log 2018–08–03 06:41:07core#205935852
  • Todo/v1tablefix 2018–08–03 04:34:25core#205836920
  • console.log(error) >> logger.error(error) 2018–08–03 03:31:46core#205890831

Github User: vasild

  • Add a missing test for removeTransactionById() 2018–08–07 02:06:05core#206495887
  • Fix handling of “boolean” environment variables 2018–08–02 17:31:48core#205525494
  • Improve computational complexity when removing forged transactions 2018–08–02 11:40:13core#205526193
  • Minor fixups 2018–08–02 04:21:51core#205526052

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7th+ place: 50 USD / each (no particular order)
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Github User: ciband

Github User: Pedro-Souza

Github User: Neurone

Github User: n4ru

  • Use an object instead of an array to avoid duplicates. Untested. Don’t merge yet. 2018–08–27 05:44:20ark-node#210811379
  • Don’t let invalid spam flood memory with setTimeouts. 2018–08–24 05:18:42ark-node#210639039

Github User: dafty

Github User: egeron

Github User: paroxysm

  • peer/blocks should at least return the last block, if the blockHeight… 2018–08–23 05:14:18core#210311593

Github User: r0n4ld

Github User: ItsANameToo

  • Fix issue with unconfirmedBalance being undefined 2018–08–03 03:19:34core#200207197

I missed these bounties — What is this all about?

Read the full instructions here:

Are there any other development bounties going on?

Yes, there is also the community run ACF (ARK Community Fund) — read more here:

And remember to join our Slack!

Follow us on social media ( Twitter | Facebook | Reddit ), join our community ( Slack | Discord ) and stay tuned to our blog on Medium and on Steemit.

