Transforming Enterprise with Generative AI Apps

4 min readJan 18, 2024


At MORFIUS, we create generative AI applications for enterprises, unlocking the power of structured and unstructured knowledge bases to develop robust, groundbreaking enterprise AI solutions. Our mission? Help organizations rapidly design, pilot, and deploy Generative AI apps that solve business problems, create higher productivity, and lower costs.
Our Origin & Values

MORFIUS began with a handful of AI industry experts, data scientists, and software engineers in the U.S., India, and Brazil who shared a passion for AI and were brimming with ideas to create ways to leverage Generative AI’s power in the enterprise efficiently.

Today, we are a growing team of technical and business leaders committed to our values of keeping the power of Generative AI as accessible, safe, and secure, given the furious pace of innovation and increasing complexity of the AI space.

We at MORFIUS are excited to be on our journey into the future of enterprise AI, bringing our vision and innovative solutions to the forefront of the industry. Join us in this exciting venture as we redefine what’s possible in enterprise AI applications.

Who We Are
MORFIUS isn’t about developing new foundational AI models or generic development tools. With the fast-changing pace of technology, we aim to evaluate, optimize, and scale existing AI tools using our unique architectural framework and processes.

We believe in the power of “small” generative AI models for enterprise solutions, dispelling the myth that bigger is always better. Our models are designed to solve enterprise challenges faster and more cost-effectively.

Benefits & Value to Enterprise
Morfius combines technical innovation with tangible business benefits, enhancing productivity and scaling business objectives and KPIs. We focus on key performance indicators demonstrating the immediate advantages of generative AI for our customers.

We focus (obsess even!) on making the customer journey easier with:

● Development Speed: Unmatched development speed for AI products and solutions. Create a functional application in minutes for stakeholder presentations.
● Cost of AI Training: Lower development and AI training expenses. Our Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) based approach results in a more than 100-fold decrease in AI training costs.
● AI Accuracy: Enhanced contextual accuracy in responses to human queries, thanks to our RAG and advanced summarization/reasoning algorithms.
● User Adoption: Prioritizing human-centric design, our apps, and UX are consistent and cater to non-technical business users, broadening AI accessibility significantly. Responses are easily sourced and integrated into reports visualization workflows.
Ease of Administration: Platform and app admins have a unified interface to manage business applications, logs, KPIs, and user access security.
● Enhanced Security and Privacy: Ensuring robust enterprise security, AI safety, and privacy, our platform upholds the highest standards for data protection and ethical AI usage.

MORFIUS Platform, Architecture, and Process Overview

MORFIUS’s platform and architecture are innovatively designed with a generative AI-first approach, discarding traditional software development and runtime models. We’ve integrated cutting-edge techniques and strategies from the latest AI advancements into our core technical features.

Our modular architecture makes it easy to spin up enterprise pilots and tailor foundational components such as large language models, vector databases, and cloud hosting providers.

● RAG-Based Knowledge Search: Leveraging vector databases and retrieval augmented generation (RAG), our approach transforms AI training economics, ensuring more accurate, relevant, and sourced AI responses for enterprise applications.
● Knowledge Summarization and Reasoning: We enhance answer accuracy in enterprise-focused applications by integrating large language model (LLM) summarizations and reasoning.
● App Regeneration: Our platform automates the deployment of secure enterprise applications through regenerative technology.
● AI Security and Safety: We emphasize comprehensive security measures, including access controls, admin delegation, data, and content security, AI transparency, explainability, and user-friendly interfaces for business efficiency.

Our Apps and The Future of Knowledge Automation

MORFIUS applications automate knowledge capture, synthesis, and distribution within enterprise workflows. Digital Tutor and Procurement AI are our latest apps with more business innovations on the roadmap (Migration AI, Inventory AI, Grants AI and more).

The Digital Tutor app, available now on Google Cloud Marketplace, is a versatile generative AI tool for knowledge management across various organizations, including corporations, governments, and educational institutions. It revolutionizes learning by allowing complete control over content, answers, and user experiences.

With Procurement AI, we help procurement analysts and contract managers streamline workflows and gain valuable new insights, predictions, patterns, and visualizations.

We are a collective of innovators and problem-solvers dedicated to transforming the landscape of enterprise AI applications. Our journey is marked by a commitment to our vision, a focus on groundbreaking innovations, and a steadfast dedication to our customers’ needs. As we move forward, we’re not just aiming to be a part of the industry — we’re striving to lead it, shaping the future of enterprise AI with solutions that are not only technologically advanced but also ethically responsible, user-friendly, and profoundly impactful.

