You Say l Dream Too Big, I Say You Think Too Small

Angela Kambouris
Thrive Global
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2017

When people dream big, many succumb to a view that their head is living in the clouds.

I say, if you dreams don’t scare you, they are not big enough.

Don’t you want to seek a purposeful life?

Experience a level of fulfillment?

Establish a mindset that you can achieve anything that’s possible?

Let me share with you some reasons why:

1. Your dreams come from your soul. When you dream big you connect to your inner self, your reason for being. Allow yourself to immerse in deep thinking to connect with what you love, what you are great at, what the world needs and what you will be paid for.

2. Suck it up sunshine, you will fail. Failure is a part of life. It is a springboard for achieving anything you want in life.

3. Notable dreamers failed first. Oprah Winfrey, J.K Rowling, Walt Disney. Life is not supposed to be easy. You will cross dreaded oceans of stormy water. Persevere and over time you move through things with more grace.

4. Open the door if you want to create success. If you are not open to possibilities you literally stunt your growth on all levels. Extend yourself, stretch your thinking and expand your experiences.

5. Big thinking time. I have a WTF book that holds all my ideas. Invest time in letting your mind unravel your overnight inspirations.

6. Carve out time to think big each day. Choose an inspiring environment.

7. Dream Makers or Dream breakers? A french proverb says show me who you frequent and l tell you who you are. What type of people do you associate yourself with? Are they excited as you are to see you achieve all that you desire? Or do they crush your ideas and smother you with negativity?

7. And if they are not reasons enough, look at great leaders in history. Great philosophers set rigid schedules and contained time for big thinking. Time of solitude was non-negotiable.

History highlights great discoveries that came as a result of an adventurous soul simply venturing into the unknown with a dream to make a difference. Don’t use a lack of knowledge as an excuse for not pursuing your soulful dreams. Unveil what you need to know to take the first step and then move forward.

8. Big dreams are the reasons why the world changes for the better. When you dream big, you leave a footprint in the universe and leave the world a better place.

Dare to dream big. Chase your dreams. Be bold. Run your dreams down.


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Originally published at on January 31, 2017.



Angela Kambouris
Thrive Global

I help people and organizations elevate their leadership | Leadership consultant & executive coach | content creator