How I Stopped Masturbating to Internet Porn and How it Changed My Life 

Thousands of youths and adults alike have a serious addiction that will get them laughed out of the room, but it’s no joke.

Rick Pauley


You hear it all the time from several sources that masturbation is healthy and they’re right, but the word “moderation” doesn’t usually follow. I grew up in the world of free porn at my fingertips and let me tell you life was good.

Have a bad day at work or school? Porn is there when I get home. Depressed? Porn will cheer me up. Having difficulty dealing with a tough situation? Porn. Turned down by that girl you like? Porn. Headache? Porn. Feeling terrible after eating like an idiot? Porn…Porn…Porn…Porn…Porn…Porn.

After awhile of watching porn and masturbating to it 2-5 times a day for years it becomes a part of your daily routine, you just don’t really think about it as something that could be harmful. It becomes you, it defines you, it molds your personality, whether you know it or not.

I was an incredible pessimist, a “I hate people” type of guy. The type of guy that truly believed that he had the worst luck in the world and could do nothing to change it. I would constantly use the phrase “I feel stuck”. I had a few girlfriends, but came to…

