Relationship Extraction with GPT-3

Accelerate knowledge graph construction with GPT-3

Sixing Huang
Geek Culture


Photo by Di Bella Coffee on Unsplash

In my previous articles (1, 2, and 3), I have demonstrated that GPT-3 from OpenAI is a game-changing Natural Language Understanding (NLU) engine. GPT-3 is easy to learn and easy to repurpose. It is highly accurate in both content and format. In the case of, compared to AWS Lex, GPT-3 delivers better results with far less learning and development time.

But GPT-3 is more than a chatbot. It can do keyword and relationship extractions, too. This is especially important for knowledge graph construction. I have shown in my previous article how to integrate public knowledge graphs into, but it takes time for these public sources to incorporate the newest research results. So in order to keep always up-to-date, we need a fast and automatic way to extract relationships — gene regulations, drug interactions and protein interactions — from research articles ourselves. You can imagine my excitement when I found out that GPT-3 also excelled at this task.

And more importantly, GPT-3 does not just mechanically extract the relationships. It has a good semantic understanding. It does the necessary noun-verb conversion and entity expansion, too. For example, “upregulation of A by B” can be correctly transformed into B,upregulate,A. Or “A…



Sixing Huang
Geek Culture

A Neo4j Ninja, German bioinformatician in Gemini Data. I like to try things: Cloud, ML, satellite imagery, Japanese, plants, and travel the world.