
Elena Roussou
2 min readJan 31, 2016


Incrediblue is an award-winning, online platform for quality boating holidays. Featuring expertly curated holiday packages as well as more than 2000 sailing boat and motor yacht charters, Incrediblue enables all travellers to experience the ultimate holiday easily, affordably and safely.

The company revolves around some core values and attitudes in order to create a well functioning staff, engage with the clients and build a strong trust system. It’s all about positivity and good communication. The work environment is a fun, comfortable space without “closed doors” and strict hierarchy. In fact, when I visited Icrediblue’s offices I was impressed with the fact that everyone’s desk is next to each other in an open space, and the “meeting rooms” are seperate but the doors are all made of glass so there is full trancparency. It is a company that embraces active listening and treats every single person with respect, whether it’s a client, a partner or a co-worker. Every idea and every culture is being heard and appreciated, and the goal is to create meaningful bonds and strong trusting relationships.

Founders’ characteristics

CEO, Antonios Fiorakis, is the mind that set the company’s goals and chooses the right path to achieve those goals. At the same time, Theodoros Orfanidis, CTO, is the one who analyzes all requirements, defines the specs and ensures the functionality of Incrediblue’s products. Georgios Gatos, the COO, directs all company operations and internal processes. All three of them are the founders of Incrediblue and they all share some main characteristics that ensure the company’s success. They are adventurous people and they believe that starting a company, or investing, or joining a startup is like embarking on a four-week backpacking journey with enough food for one week. You have to take risks in order to achieve anything. You also have to be patient, and come to terms with the fact that nothing is certain and nothing is perfect, at least at first. They all embrace the messiness and they don’t call themselves “perfectionists”. They are visionairies and they truly believe that everyone wants to hear about your passion from you, so you have to speak to the heart of the matter. Last but not least, they are ready for resilience. They all consider themselves and each other emotionally strong, they try not to get disouraged by setbacks and they are adaptable to change.

I understood all af the above and actually saw it in action on the participant observation that my team and I did, and I truly got the meaning of sharing economy and collaborative consumption.

