Creating A Content Strategy for 2024 Step 3: Map Out Your Customer Journey

Khadija Nasar Ali
5 min readJul 15, 2024


Understanding the customer journey is crucial for small business owners crafting a content strategy. This journey, which varies slightly from brand to brand, generally follows a consistent path.

Here’s how you can map out your customer journey to ensure your content hits the mark at each stage.

Photo by RODRIGO GONZALEZ on Unsplash

Essential Stages in the Customer Journey

  1. Awareness

At this stage, potential customers realize they have a problem or need. They are searching for high-level educational content to better understand their issue.

  • Content Types: Blog posts, social media posts, infographics, videos, podcasts.
  • Channels: SEO, social media, paid social ads, influencer marketing, PR.
  • Strategy: Create educational content that addresses your customers’ pain points without being overly promotional. Use SEO to target relevant top-of-funnel keywords and expand your reach with paid social ads and influencer partnerships.

2. Consideration

Here, potential customers have defined their problem and are evaluating different solutions. They want to learn about various approaches and compare providers.

  • Content Types: Ebooks, webinars, case studies, product comparisons, expert guides.
  • Channels: Email marketing, retargeting, paid search, communities/forums.
  • Strategy: Provide in-depth content to help buyers evaluate their options. Gate valuable content to generate leads, nurture them through email campaigns, and invest in paid search to capture high-intent keywords. Engage actively in online communities where your audience seeks advice.

3. Conversion

At this stage, customers are ready to make a purchase decision. They are comparing specific offerings and looking for validation to ensure they’re making the right choice.

  • Content Types: Free trials, live demos, customer testimonials, ROI calculators.
  • Channels: Email marketing, paid search, sales outreach, review sites.
  • Strategy: Remove purchase barriers by offering free trials or demos. Highlight customer success stories as social proof, optimize for commercial-intent keywords, and encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews.

4. Loyalty

Now, customers have made a purchase and are seeking to get the most value from your product/service. They may be open to cross-sells, upsells, and advocacy opportunities.

  • Content Types: Onboarding guides, product tips, user community, exclusive perks.
  • Channels: Email marketing, customer support, user forums, account management.
  • Strategy: Create an onboarding email series to drive activation. Offer tips for using advanced product features, build a user community for peer-to-peer support, and provide exclusive benefits to high-value customers.

With the buyer’s journey stages defined, you can map out relevant content types and distribution channels for each stage. This ensures that your content strategy is comprehensive and effective.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

How ChatGPT Can Help Map Out Your Customer Journey

Leveraging ChatGPT can significantly enhance your efforts to map out and optimize the customer journey for your small business. Here’s how ChatGPT can assist at each stage:

Awareness Stage

Content Creation and SEO:

  • Blog Post Ideas: ChatGPT can generate topic ideas for blog posts that address common pain points and interests of your target audience.
  • SEO Optimization: Ask ChatGPT for keyword suggestions to ensure your content ranks well on search engines.
  • Social Media Strategy: Get ideas for engaging social media posts that will capture attention and drive traffic.

Example Prompt: “ChatGPT, what are some blog post ideas that can help small business owners address common customer pain points?”

Consideration Stage

Content Development:

  • Detailed Guides and Ebooks: ChatGPT can help outline and draft detailed guides, ebooks, and case studies that educate potential customers on their options.
  • Webinar Scripts: Get assistance in creating webinar scripts that effectively present your solutions and engage your audience.

Lead Nurturing:

  • Email Campaigns: Ask ChatGPT to draft email sequences that nurture leads by providing valuable information and addressing common concerns.

Example Prompt: “ChatGPT, can you help me create an outline for an ebook on the benefits of my product for small businesses?”

Conversion Stage

Content Optimization:

  • Customer Testimonials: ChatGPT can help you structure customer testimonial stories to highlight key benefits and successes.
  • Demo Scripts: Get assistance in drafting scripts for product demos that clearly explain features and advantages.

Sales Support:

  • Follow-Up Emails: Ask ChatGPT to draft follow-up emails for leads who have shown interest but haven’t yet converted.

Example Prompt: “ChatGPT, can you write a compelling follow-up email for a lead who attended our product demo but hasn’t made a purchase?”

Loyalty Stage

Customer Retention:

  • Onboarding Guides: ChatGPT can help create comprehensive onboarding guides that ensure new customers get the most out of your product.
  • Product Tips: Get ideas and drafts for tips and tricks content that helps customers use advanced features of your product.

Community Engagement:

  • User Forum Content: Ask ChatGPT to draft posts for your user community that encourage engagement and provide valuable insights.

Example Prompt: “ChatGPT, can you help me draft an onboarding guide for new customers of my software service?”

Photo by Z on Unsplash

Additional Uses of ChatGPT in Customer Journey Mapping

Customer Feedback Analysis:

  • Review Summaries: Provide ChatGPT with customer reviews to summarize common themes and areas for improvement.
  • Response Drafting: Ask ChatGPT to help draft responses to customer feedback that show appreciation and address concerns.

Focus Group Preparation:

  • Discussion Questions: Get help preparing structured questions for focus groups to gather detailed insights.
  • Summary Reports: Use ChatGPT to summarize the findings from focus groups and identify actionable insights.

Customer Journey Mapping:

  • Touchpoint Analysis: Provide ChatGPT with details about your customer journey stages, and it can help identify pain points and suggest improvements.
  • Mapping Assistance: ChatGPT can assist in visualizing the customer journey and highlighting critical touchpoints.

Example Prompt: “ChatGPT, can you help me identify and map out the key touchpoints in my customer journey for an online retail business?”

ChatGPT is nothing to be scared of. It offers practical support at every stage, making it easier for small business owners to DIY their content strategy while maintaining high professionalism and impact.

Practical Tips for Creating Good Content

  1. Understand Your Audience: Use the customer journey insights to tailor your content to the specific needs and concerns of your audience at each stage.
  2. Align Content with Business Goals: Ensure your content supports your overall business objectives, whether it’s generating leads, driving sales, or fostering loyalty.
  3. Utilize Data and Feedback: Regularly analyze customer feedback and performance data to refine your content strategy and improve engagement.
  4. Incorporate Visuals: Enhance your content with visuals like infographics, videos, and images to make it more engaging and easier to digest.
  5. Stay Consistent: Maintain a consistent publishing schedule and voice across all content channels to build trust and recognition with your audience.

By mapping out the customer journey and aligning your content strategy with each stage, you can deliver targeted, effective content that guides your audience through the buying process, from awareness to loyalty.

This approach ensures that your content reaches the right people and engages them at every step of their journey, making your DIY content strategy more effective and impactful.

Onto Step 4…

