iOS 16.4 Released — 9 Settings You NEED To Change Immediately!

It’s one of Apple’s MASSIVE updates ever

Nikhil Vemu
Mac O’Clock
Published in
7 min readMar 28, 2023


iPhone 12 on a green surface
Image by the author from Mockuuups Studio

I’ve already written about all the below features in my previous iOS 16.4 articles.

But in this article, I’ve handpicked 9 features (out of 62) for you to get the most of the update. Coz going thru 62 isn’t easy in your busy life.

Let’s start →

#1. Voice Isolation for Cellular Calls 📞

Voice Isolation, if turned on, prioritises your voice in a call, filtering out the surrounding ambient noise — so the other person would hear you clearer.

Until now, this was offered only for FaceTime and other internet-based calls (like WhatsApp, Zoom, Teams). But with iOS 16.4, it arrives to normal cellular calls too!

To use it, while on your first iOS 16.4 cellular call, open Control Center, tap Mic Mode, select Voice Isolation.

