Proof of Square Free For Paillier


Can I prove to you that the number that I have is not a square? For example, is the following a square?


Well, it is, because it is the square of this value:


But, why might this be important? Well in Paillier we pick two large prime numbers (p and q)). We then calculate a modulus (N=p.q) and ϕ(N)=(p−1).(q−1). We then make sure that gcd(p.q,ϕ(N))=1. A core part of Paillier is to make sure that N is not a square.

Luckily, there’s a great paper which defines the proofs required for modulus values [1][here]:

In Section 3.2, we have a proof for Paillier and the check for a square-free modulus value (N) [1][here]:

Now Victor wants Peggy to prove that the modulus is square-free. For the proof Peggy computes:

In an interactive proof, Victor (the verifier) then generates a random values as a challenge (\(x)), and passes this to Peggy. She then computes:

Peggy passes this back to Victor and Victor then checks that:

If this equals the value that was send, Peggy has proven that the modulus is square-free, as she should not be able to generate the proofs if she has cheated. Overall, we can make this non-interactive (NI), by allowing Peggy the chance to create her own challenges, and then present these with the proofs.


The outline coding using the library from the Krytology library is defined below. The first modulus is square free, and the second one is a square [here]:

package main
import (
crypto ""
func main() {
argCount := len(os.Args[1:])
if argCount > 0 {
nobits,_ = strconv.Atoi(os.Args[1])
p, _ := rand.Prime(rand.Reader, nobits)
for {
q, _ = rand.Prime(rand.Reader, nobits)
if p.Cmp(q) != 0 { break }
N := new(big.Int).Mul(p, q)
PHI := new(big.Int).Mul(new(big.Int).Sub(p, big.NewInt(1)), new(big.Int).Sub(q, big.NewInt(1)))
M, _ := crypto.Inv(N, PHI)
x, _ := rand.Int(rand.Reader, new(big.Int).SetUint64(uint64(math.Pow(2, float64(nobits)))))
proof, _ := crypto.Exp(x, M, N)
fmt.Printf("p=%s\n", p)
fmt.Printf("q=%s\n", q)
fmt.Printf("M=%s\n", M)
fmt.Printf("N=%s\n", N)
fmt.Printf("PHI=%s\n", PHI)
fmt.Printf("\nChallenge:\t%v\n", x)
fmt.Printf("Proof:\t%v\n", proof)
lhs, _ := crypto.Exp(proof, N, N)
fmt.Printf("Proof^N (mod N):\t%v\n", lhs)
proven := true
if lhs.Cmp(x) != 0 {
proven = false
if proven == true {
fmt.Printf("\nZero knowledge proof of safe Paillier\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf("\nNo Zero knowledge proof of safe Paillier\n")
fmt.Printf("\n\n== Now trying with an incorrect value of N=p^2 ==\n")

N = new(big.Int).Mul(p, p)
PHI = new(big.Int).Mul(new(big.Int).Sub(p, big.NewInt(1)), new(big.Int).Sub(p, big.NewInt(1)))
M, _ = crypto.Inv(N, PHI)

x, _ = rand.Int(rand.Reader, new(big.Int).SetUint64(uint64(math.Pow(2, float64(nobits)))))
proof, _ = crypto.Exp(x, M, N)
fmt.Printf("p=%s\n", p)
fmt.Printf("M=%s\n", M)
fmt.Printf("N=%s\n", N)
fmt.Printf("\nChallenge:\t%v\n", x)
fmt.Printf("Proof:\t%v\n", proof)
lhs, _ = crypto.Exp(proof, N, N)
fmt.Printf("Proof^N (mod N):\t%v\n", lhs)
proven = true
if lhs.Cmp(x) != 0 {
proven = false
if proven == true {
fmt.Printf("\nZero knowledge proof of safe Paillier\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf("\nNo Zero knowledge proof of safe Paillier\n")


A sample run is [here]:

Challenge: 781
Proof: 8494942
Proof^N (mod N): 781
Zero knowledge proof of safe Paillier

== Now trying with an incorrect value of N=p^2 ==
Challenge: 3072
Proof: 2998433
Proof^N (mod N): 5674331
No Zero knowledge proof of safe Paillier

and [here]:

Challenge: 5778954262180670354
Proof: 17541698715363339637339111063123573377678392333813998745320388206205518554463
Proof^N (mod N): 5778954262180670354
Zero knowledge proof of safe Paillier

== Now trying with an incorrect value of N=p^2 ==
Challenge: 3182905517568311201
Proof: 101673933567844850137914416419994421527326217936079135451976555636417860079774
Proof^N (mod N): 80939508196207850652294141501902064755098489726530492563801723952829877603051
No Zero knowledge proof of safe Paillier

So what?

We use a square-free Paillier method for the Gennaro and Goldfeder’s threshold ECDSA protocol (see Phase 3 of the key generation protocol):

The GG20 (Gennaro, R., & Goldfeder, S. (2020) [2]) method implements an ECDSA signing algorithm using threshold protocols. In this case, Bob and Alice will communicate using a DKG method, and then Bob will be able to create a valid signature. We can use the Kryptology library developed by Coinbase to implement 2-of-2 threshold ECDSA signing algorithm of the GG20 method. Once Bob and Alice have communicated, Bob will hold a signature for the message. We will then check this signature for its validity. We will thus split a private key up into two secret shares and then will be able to sign with the shares of the key:


[1] Goldberg, S., Reyzin, L., Sagga, O., & Baldimtsi, F. (2019, November). Efficient noninteractive certification of RSA moduli and beyond. In Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2019: 25th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Kobe, Japan, December 8–12, 2019, Proceedings, Part III (pp. 700–727). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

[2] Gennaro, R., & Goldfeder, S. (2020). One Round Threshold ECDSA with Identifiable Abort. IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch., 2020, 540.



Prof Bill Buchanan OBE FRSE
ASecuritySite: When Bob Met Alice

Professor of Cryptography. Serial innovator. Believer in fairness, justice & freedom. Based in Edinburgh. Old World Breaker. New World Creator. Building trust.