All I Wanted Was For My Mother To Love Me

Little did I know, she always loved me. I just didn’t see it.

Chrissie Massey
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Omar Lopez on Unsplash

For most of my life, I longed for my mother to love me. I craved a mother-daughter relationship like I saw on television shows. I wanted her to be my best friend.

Our relationship was never that way. I have always had a solid relationship with her, but we always had tension and distance due to our circumstances.

I decided to write a novel to examine my relationship with my mother. I had hoped it would give me insight as I had to go deep into her thoughts and feelings to write her effectively.

When I reached the halfway mark in my novel, I concluded that my mother always loved me. I just didn’t see it. That was partly because my grandma tried to steal my connection to her from her.

My Mother Had The Cards Stack Against Her

When I was 2, my father died after a painful battle with lung cancer. He never smoked, either. He was only 28.

Just before my father’s death, my brother, Jason, died. He was only 2 months old. He had multiple health problems. His death crippled my mom emotionally.

Four months after my dad died, my grandpa passed away. My mother was very close to her…



Chrissie Massey
New Writers Welcome

Spent my adult life writing online for many publications — both online & print. Now, I’m finding my voice, and sharing it with the world. she/her