PIBBLE will be part of Pickthumb Round 3

Bryan High
Published in
4 min readMar 12, 2019

More PIBBLE news?!? You betcha.

PIBBLE will participate as part of Pickthumb Round 3 in association with Bitthumb. We are excited to be recognized as a great blockchain project and being selected out of the fierce competition. We focused so hard on the development of the PIBBLE platform over the last year and now it is a great opportunity to share our passion with more people and get them as interested in PIBBLE as we are.

Important Note: Pickthumb is unfortunately only available to Korean residents with a cell phone number for authentification.

But, why don’t I explain a little bit about what Pickthumb is and then give some details about what will go on over the next week.

What is Pickthumb?

Pickthumb is an offshoot of Bitthumb and is a public voting system to screen new coins that will be able to join their exchange market. The motivation behind this was to improve the transparency behind the coin listing process and allow users to have some input on projects they think will be successful.

Through this process, users are able to vote for a project they deem worthy, and then after the end of the event, the top coins will be added to the Bitthumb exchange. It is a great way to test the public interest and trust in a project before it gets listed on an exchange. Instead of the listing process being behind close doors, they open those doors to the public to influence what is on their exchange.

But what is the actual process of pickthumb?

Step 1: Pickthumb Day Presentations

On March 11th, Pickthumb Day will be held and each of the participants will get a chance to give a 10 minute presentation to talk about their platform. To get an idea about the event, you can check out the video below.

Coverage of PIckthumb Round 2.

Each team gives their presentation to interested cryptocurrency or blockchain enthusiasts. They then get a chance to interact with the teams to help inform their decisions about who to support. However, the voting process is not just limited to those who attend the Pickthumb Day event!

Step 2: A week of marketing and outreach to potential voters

Now the real fun starts. Each team is given one week to promote their platform. The goal is to get as much public interest and build up your team of avid supporters who will then vote for you. PIBBLE has some great plans on how to maximize our reach and not only get the support of blockchain enthusiasts but convert the non-believers into supporters.

One nice feature of the process is it is restricted to marketing for attention. The get out the vote drive cannot reward voters with monetary value for their vote. That means, no airdrops to get attention, no buying your votes so that the team with the biggest wallet automatically wins. This creates a level playing field for all the participants, they have to make people interested in their project to get votes.

We have secret marketing plans that I cannot tell you about yet. Check back on Medium for my coverage of our marketing efforts.

Some real Galaxy Brain level plans.

Step 3: Voting is opened!

For 3 days, anyone who is registered on pickthumb (only available to people with a Korean cell phone number) will be able to vote for the project they believe in the most. The votes will be tallied up and a winner will be announced within 7 days of the contest completion.

At that point, the top projects will be added to the Bitthumb exchange. For an idea of the size of the exchange, check them out on coinmarketcap.


So what do you think about this opportunity for PIBBLE? We have a great shot at winning this competition as the interest level of our project in Korea is at an all-time high.

If you happen to be a Korean resident, please vote for us as part of Pickthumb!

As always, follow us on our other social media:

Homepage: https://www.pibble.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/pibbleio_eng

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pibbleio/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pibbleio

Need to ask a question? Contact me directly on Telegram


