Checkmate means NENIKIKAMEN

In Greece we say ‘’checkmate’’

tanaskidis alexander
2 min readDec 31, 2013

Her name is Stavroula. Stavroula Tsolakidou. She is a millenium child, born in 24th of March 2000. Was crowned after trying efforts Greek Chess Champion for the first time in 2009, in the category for 10-year-old girls. In January 2012 she came second in the Panhellenic Junior Chess Championship. At last year’s World Championships in Maribor, she ranked 18th in the 12-year-old girls category.

Stavroula Tsolakidou proudly representing Greece.

But TODAY, only one day before welcoming the 2014, a ‘’GRANDE’’ success for the Greek chess team came from this youngster Kavala Chess Club member. Stavroula Tsolakidou came up to the hills! She deservedly won the First place at the World Individual Championships in Al-Ain, Abu Dhabi, in the category for girls under 14-years-old and was crowned world champion.

In the Greek flag on her shoulders, she receives the Honor and the Award from the Delegated Comittee

Stavroula Tsolakidou participated in a total of eleven chess matches. She won eight, drew twice and had one defeat, while she collected 9 points and came first in her category, out of 126 competitors from 63 countries.

A Congratulatory telegram has been sent by the President of the Greek Republic Mr. Karolos Papoulias

‘’Congratulations for winning First place at the World Individual Championships in a short of sports that requires considerable skill and intelligence. This is a refference to A victory that gave us all great joy and optimism. I sincerely hope future is full of similar successes confirming the great potential of our youth, by the side of which state and Greek Government must always keep as a generous helper’’

Alexander G. Tanaskidis

Journalist/ Reporter

Greece / Thessaloniki

