Best Golang Books

Henrique Mota
Full-Stack tips
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2018

Go is a programming language made by google and one thing I really enjoy about it is the different paradigm presented to the programmers.

If you are reading this post you are at least intrigued with go, but why? Maybe because of the concurrency or the short time it takes to compile or even because you heard that it was fun to program.

Personally, I was attracted by concurrency and once I started to learn I become inloved by implicit interfaces. This makes the separation of layers easier because with implicit interfaces you don’t have to import any package.

What books make your task easier to learn go?

The Go Programming Language (advanced programmers)

This is maybe one of the most complete books about go language. It covers the basics and then goes deeper in lower levels. The downside of this book is that it don’t cover the higher level of the language, like web.

If you want to master this language it’s a good choice to buy.

Get the book here.

Go in Practice: Includes 70 Techniques

This book is different from the previous one. It approaches a more higher level of this language but also gives good foundations to be a go programmer. It covers web applications development, micro services and even deployment.

A good solution for the developer that want to use go for webapplications.

Get the book here.

Go Web Programming

This book is more oriented and specific to web development. If you intend to build apis, develop full stack applications and understand how go fits exactly in this world, this book is an excellent choice.

If you want to master web development this is the book.

Get the book here.

Concurrency in Go: Tools and Techniques for Developers

Concurrency is one of the most appealing features in go. Although the simplicity of concurrency primitives in go, building more complex things requires some knowledge and practice.

If you want to master concurrency go for this one.

Get the book here.

Go Programming Blueprints — Second Edition

For me this is the go programming bible. If you read this book, you will have the necessary tool to build massive applications with go. Besides that, Mat Ryer is one of the most enthusiastic voices in go community.

This is a very good book that covers a lot of topics.

Get the book here.

Hope you enjoyed,

Mick Bolt

