Better Smart Lists on v 3.7.0
GoodTask App
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2018

~ GoodTask gets its Smart Lists better on version 3.7.0. ~

‘Smart Lists’ has been one of key features of GoodTask. It filters out tasks and gives a comprehensive view on things to accomplish. Every list has day, week and month view with the whole list view which filters tasks by date since GoodTask 3. Starting on GoodTask 3.7, Smart Lists are extended to be more powerful.


Types that were available on previous versions are now integrated into filters. Filters are the key change on new Smart Lists which can be operated with multiple filters at once on each Smart List.

New filters have below types.

  • Undated : Tasks without Due Date Only
  • Scheduled : Tasks that are scheduled. You can choose option for ‘Invert’, ‘Today’, ‘Tomorrow’, ‘Within N Days’, ‘Within N Weeks’, and ‘Overdue’. Also you can limit number of tasks with ‘Count’.
  • Recurring : Tasks that are recurring (Invert available)
  • Location : Location based tasks (Invert available)
  • Recent : Recently created tasks with option ‘Count’
  • Alert : Tasks with Time-based alert (Invert available)
  • Text : Include/Exclude tasks with Text
  • Priorities : Tasks with certain priorities
  • Subtasks : Tasks with subtasks (Invert available)
  • Completed : Recently completed tasks with option ‘Count’

Some info about changed filters

  • Text filters will search subtasks too
  • Within N Days option includes tasks on that day and before.
  • Within N Weeks option works through weeks based on your set of start weekday. not 7 * N days
  • Scheduled/Recurring/Location/Alert/Subtasks has option of ‘Invert’ which will show tasks opposite of the filter
  • Recent/Scheduled and Completed tasks have ‘Count’ option to limit the number of tasks based on (Recent: Creation date), (Scheduled: Due date) and (Completed: Completion date)
Multiple filters with order of operations

Order of Operation

Multiple filters can be added on a Smart List. You can setup AND/OR operations when you have 2 or more filters and set ‘Order of Operation’ to make fully customized operation of filters. Order will run from 1 to the end with the filters on left and right of the operation. (filter ahead and the one that owns the operation)

Default View

Now each Smart List can have default view of List, Day, Week or Month (or none). If you set it to none, it’ll follow your previous view. If you set it to some specific view, it’ll start with that view when you pick that list.

More on Smart Lists

  • You can setup ‘Exclude’ option for selecting Lists which will add newly made Reminders lists automatically
  • Contextual List option on adding new task will change list only. Texts and priorities will NOT be added automatically.
Recommendations that can be made easily

Other changes

  • Duration on iOS will keep it’s status (day/hour/minute) after it’s added/deleted
  • Color of lists on Apple Watch will be adjusted if not visible
  • On iPhone while showing lists only, selecting a list will always move current date to today. Moving up/down lists on Smart Button and tapping lists on iPad (including landscape in iPhone 8+/7+) will still keep the date.

And other minor bugs are fixed. I hope you like the update! Thanks! :D


GoodTask App

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