Why Progressive web apps are better options for your startup?

4 min readDec 19, 2017


To survive and disrupt, startups first need audience-attention and love.

Tech startups turn their ideas into applications aiming to resolve the perennial problems of daily life. When it comes to developing the applications, one big puzzle is to take it to your audience.

Web vs mobile app. Native mobile app vs mobile web. Plenty of options are there to draw and convert audience. Here headache pops up. Mobile apps are the fad. But, going native app strategy, how can you ditch massive mobile web audience and fair amount of web users?

Don’t fret as you can play the balance game with the Progressive Web Apps.

Fast, reliable, responsive and loaded with additional edges- just what your startups need to dwarf the competition. Let’s explore the latest lifeline in the world of application more-

What is Progressive Web apps?

As per Alex Russell’s words, Progressive Web Apps are “Just websites that took all the right vitamins”.

Progressive Web Apps are experiences that combine the best of the web and the best of apps.

They are useful to users from the very first visit in a browser tab, no install required. As the user progressively builds a relationship with the app over time, it becomes more and more powerful. It loads quickly, even on flaky networks, sends relevant push notifications, has an icon on the home screen, and loads as a top-level, full screen experience.

Now, let’s break down the perks one by one to understand the Progressive Web Apps-


True to the term, these are the apps for every user regardless of their browser choice.


Though they are not apps and not packaged and deployed through stores, they fit into the mobile, tablet and desktop for sure.

Connectivity independent:

The progressive web apps are blessed with the service workers. They work even in offline and low-quality networks.

Environment of an App:

The progressive web apps are not scattered websites. They look like app and function too. The app shell model separates the application functionality from application content.

Safe & Secure:

One of the best perks of the Progressive Web apps is it’s served via HTTPS to prevent snooping which also ensures that the content is not tampered with.


Progressive web apps support push notifications and help to re-engage the users.


The progressive web apps are another website with better responsive features and app environment . One can easily share the applications (or the websites) via URL without the complexities of installations.

Low friction:

To use a mobile website you just need a browser unlike the apps which has very high initial friction.

With all those features in their bag, how will the Progressive Web Apps help the startups? Let’s figure out-

1. More audience:

You have not made any website neither you have drained out your money after the native apps. Playing smart you have developed a progressive web app. Now, you can catch the audience in multiple devices. Progressive web apps land your portfolio, services and online store before a large audience in their preferred devices. As the progressive web apps are responsive and compatible across screens, your startup can catch the audience on the fly, inside the cozy places, among the crowd-wherever you desire.

2. Better engagement:

Progressive web apps work both online and offline. Yes, you read it right. This is a huge benefit for your users and a great leverage for your business.

3. Wider connection:

Along with the multiple device compatibility, the Progressive Web Apps also allow you to catch audience across browsers.

4. Supports your marketing efforts:

The Progressive Web apps will help you to be creative with your marketing endeavor and growth hacks. Push notification has proved to be a great asset for the marketers.

5. Personalized Experience:

One big secret of the Progressive Web Apps is that they can woo your audience. More one will use the applications, better they start adapting with the mobile’s environment.

Who are reaching out to more audience with the Progressive Web Apps?

E-commerce, social media platforms, online media- the Progressive Web Apps are the backbone of new-age digital business.. Let’s have a look some of the top Progressive Web Apps around the corner-

  • Ali Express
  • Flipkart Lite
  • Wego
  • Washington Post
  • Forbes
  • Flipboard
  • Twitter Lite
  • Telegram
  • & more

Now, the ball is in your court.

Will you turn your ideas into feature-enriched Progressive Web Apps?




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