2 Simple Traits 95% of Incredibly Fit People Have in Common

No, not dieting, exercising, or calorie-counting

Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readFeb 8, 2023


Generated using Lexica

Most fitness “gurus” will never reveal to you that…

Fitness is 90% mental and 10% physical.

Simple behavior changes will take you farther than any “miracle” diet or $199 supplement.

I’ll share 2 such traits — that the fittest of the fittest folks I know have in common.

These aren’t “quick fixes” or “hacks”—they’re ways of rewiring how you think about and approach fitness.

The Most Problematic Word Today Is “Foodie”

Our pre-historic ancestors earned food by hunting mammoths and foraging in the bitter cold.

Our medieval ancestors earned food by sowing crops, fighting wars, and operating heavy lathes.

Today, we earn food by thumbing DoorDash on our smartphones.

They ate out of hunger; we eat for pleasure.

Big Macs. Double macs. Doritos. Cheerios. French fries. Pastries. Donuts.

So much food and so many options that romping around hogging different cuisines is now a “hobby.”



Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health

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