Timeline Jumping: A Channeled Message From My Higher Self

Donna Frasca 👁️
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readApr 10, 2024


This is an accurate visual representation of what I saw when time GLITCHES

What’s it all about? Timeline Jumping. Let me take you back to March of 2016.

I decided to ask myself about Time Slips, or Timeline Jumps, which I’ve heard about. Although it’s nice to ask other people if they have experienced these, I now know that I first have to ask myself. So ask I did.

After a hideous day that left me emotionally drained from putting my 18-year-old cat down, I needed some ME time, and I also wanted answers about my Spiritual path.

I ache, my body hurts, and my heart is crying, but I still feel I have control over my Spirit; I’m standing in my power — thank you, Solar Plexus — and feel pretty strong considering. My mind is racing and thirsting for answers, and I will get them. Last week, I said that I would take my blog posts up a notch and dig deep into this amazing metaphysical world, and I am going to be a full blast with that.

After all the hoopla about the energy of the Retrograde, which started for me in March, I am rebooted and attuned, and I believe I downloaded some new goodies that I have yet to discover — one of them is trust. I trust myself.

Speaking about ME, I asked my Higher Self a few questions about Timeline Jumping or Time Slips, whatever you want to call it, and I was amazed at what came in.

I got three pages of notes that came in so fast I could barely write, as you can see from my juvenile-like writing, but at least I can read it.

When I first went outside right before sunset, my favorite time of day to channel, I noticed this sky. As soon as I saw this sky, I knew it was going to be a special channel about to come through.

I sat down and lit my homemade smudge stick of rosemary, lavender and cypress. It smelt amazing! The smoke enveloped me, and I felt connected.

I sat down facing West — where Archangel Gabriel holds the compass, and just sat with myself.

I picked up my pen and paper and, without thinking, just asked questions. Here are the channeled notes that came through in about 10 minutes.

I know you can’t read this, so I typed it out for you. I called in my Guides, Angel Team, and Higher Self.

(Me) What are Time Slips, or What is Timeline Jumping?

(Higher Self) Life is like watching an ant walk on a log — so small. You can’t see the bigger picture. It’s so simple that it becomes complex to most. As you (the ant) walk with the grain, you are guided, but once in a while, there is an imperfection or knot in the wood, and that is where you find yourself.

Most ants (people) get right back on track and do not even blink, but some wonder why they are there.

These knots in the wood represent time zones. They are challenging and complex to understand, but it’s easy to see how they work — it’s all about time.

(me) What do you mean by “time?”

(Higher Self) It’s another place, another space. Some go in; some can’t.

(me) What’s in there?

(Higher Self) Eyes, wisdom, knowledge.

(me) What does that mean?

(Higher Self) There is a space/place in time you can visit anytime you want. There are holes everywhere, and you just have to find one. Sometimes you can see them, sometimes you can feel them.

(me) How do I get to one?

(Higher Self) Look. Open your eyes and SEE. It will jump when you find one.

(me) What are they?

(Higher Self) Time holders — in space and in time.

(me) Am I a Timeline Jumper?

(Higher Self) Yes, you are!

(me) How?

(Higher Self) Not yet — — — —

(me) Can you tell me more?

(Higher Self) Not now — — — — — — — —

(me) Thank you!

So there you have it! Crazy right? Clearly, I need more answers, but apparently, I have to wait, which is fine. I trust my Guides, and I trust myself.

This information was brief, but I caught what I could for today. I will continue this channel another time, but I was told, “Not now,” and I will respect that.

This is one incredible journey, and I can’t wait for more answers. I am now off to take a salt bath, recharge, and reground for tomorrow.



Donna Frasca 👁️
New Earth Consciousness

Author, A Psychic Medium, and Color Expert, who enjoys life, #FromColorToTheCosmos