How to Make Your Cat Less Dangerous to Your Carpet

Don’t mess with your cat unprepared.

Pol Bishop


Unfortunately, only some ten percent of the people who own cats are aware that not all of the things that people enjoy are very amusing for their purring buddies. If you think that bathing your Tom or cutting the hair of your Garfield is helping them like you, then you are making a terrible blunder. As a matter of fact, you can think of many things that your pets actually don’t like to the point, when it proceeds to avenge his pain and piss on your carpet. Read more to learn a bit about the baffling myths about the likes and dislikes of your cats.

Wrong: Cats Like to Be Hugged All the Time

Most people grow up convinced that their little kids really like hugs, cuddling, kisses and throwing in the air all the time. Same applies for cats — children and grown-ups alike are throwing them in the air like rag dolls, playing with their ears, pulling up their tales — all these violations of personal space regardless of cat’s demeanour. Truly, the animals don’t speak human language, so you can’t tell that they are annoyed. Moreover, some cats are too obedient to protest. In other words, they are too scared to show you that your idea of playing and body odour are unbearable to them.

Solution: just try to control yourself and keep in mind that some of your stronger hugs can be painful to your cat.

Wrong: Eye Contact Calms Your Cats

Serious research showed that staring at cats actually disturbs them. It doesn’t mean you are going to be like the men who stare at goats you keep staring at your cat, this is actually a threat to his precious personal space. Staring is the natural way to tell a cat that you want to take something from him: life, girlfriend or even worse — food. Next time avoid eye contact or if it happens just blink or look uninterested. If your cat is seeking eye contact with you, it means: “i’m hungry” or “stop playing video games, try playing with me”. Actually, the same method can be applied to most vertebrates.. Most animals live in threatening environment and they defend their privacy vigorously, so it’s a good idea to avoid the demanding eye contact.

Solution: don’t violate the personal space of your cat! Otherwise, you will have to call the carpet cleaners.

Wrong: Cats Can Eat Everything in Your Fridge and Ask for More

Another wrong concept. In fact, most of the food you keep in your fridge is toxic to cats. By toxic, I don’t mean that your pet will die seconds after smelling your food. It is a slow process and the results may appear after years. For example, you are not supposed to feed your cat with just milk, it is a bad idea, which is embraced by most pet owners, unfortunately. Cat milk is very different from cow milk, so it’s a good idea to consult a veterinarian about what ingredients to add in order to make the milk you use to feed your kitten good for the little one. Another example of false goodness : cats just love the pizza leftovers that you magnanimously let them eat, but both garlic and onions are too bad and slowly intoxicating for a cat stomach.

Next time you call professional carpet cleaning in Kingston upon Thames, make sure that the technicians don’t use products that can harm your pets. This is just one of the many things to consider about how to make your cat less dangerous to your carpet: don’t expose it to strong chemicals and you won’t see cat vomit on your carpet.



Pol Bishop

I love to write articles about home improvement and design, as well as innovations and news.