Yulya Besplemennova

Interstellar Raccoons
All About Interstellar Raccoons
3 min readOct 18, 2015

(Nerdy Coon)

“Having background and experience in Industrial and Product-Service System Design, I don’t want to continue with the narrow specialization, but believe in application of general design principles to various project fields. I always question design as practice searching for serious social and ethical justifications of my work and looking for the new approaches fitting the contemporary environment. I prefer to design complex multilayered systems where constant shifting from strategic to detailed levels is required. Currently especially interested in urban and technological issues. As most of all I like learning new things, I also know that it happens much faster when teaching which I consider one of the main directions of my professional development.”

Yulya was born in Vladikavkaz, Russia, but left to Moscow at the age of seventeen to pursue her dream of becoming a designer.

Portable ultrasonic hardometer — hardcore design from 2009 in the situation of limited resources

First she started with Industrial design and in parallel with studying was involved in various professional activities. Those included for example collaborations with local technological companies trying to use design as the instruments of competition on innovative market.

At the same period she tried working on strategical and governmental level aiming at helping industrial design in Russia within the Expert Club for Industry and Energy (Ministry for Industry and Trade of Russia) activities of which were supposed to bridge the gap between design and industries.
There she understood her strategical inclinations and decided to proceed with more top level approach to design that led to graduating in Product Service System Design Master course in Politecnico di Milano.

Her master thesis was dedicated creating a system to improve and integrate urban Wi-Fi based on long research about state of public Wi-Fi in Milan:

Her academic curriculum includes also UNSW in Sydney, Australia, Copenhagen Institute of Interactive Design, summer workshops in Strelka Institute.

After seeing three completely different educational systems (Russian, Italian/European, Australian) she is very interested in understanding teaching practices and finding the best and most efficient way to shape the learninig experience.

Yulya started to collaborate with Marco as a product-system design intern for Cyrcolo bike-sharing startup, then proceeded with 3 editions of Ceramic Futures — starting as a student and reaching tutor level, 2 editions of Master Relational Design course and finally — #nevicata14 project, where she is a project coordinator, design producer, content manager and lead designer altogether. Whenever you see some graphic material produced by Raccoons, in 90% of cases it’s created by Yulya her with Marco’s artdirection *_*

Besides work Yulya is crazy about all the things related to space and universe, but to keep her on Earth she likes to draw and experiment with all the different mediums and techniques of analogical graphics making *_*

