What is the New Spirituality?

Something which follows a death and an exorcism

Alcuin Bramerton
1 min readMar 4, 2014

The New Spirituality is what happens
When religion has died.

The New Spirituality is what happens
When no one wants to listen to priests any more.

The New Spirituality is what happens
When everyone is bored to death
With fake salvations.

The New Spirituality is what happens
When scripture is revealed
To be yesterday's tribal artefact.

The New Spirituality is what happens
When the manufactured godlet
Of church superstition
Has been exorcised by healthy laughter.

The New Spirituality starts
When people begin to listen
Beyond the noise,
And trust their own intuitions,
And breathe,
And find the silence.

And connect.



Alcuin Bramerton

Questioning what is; exploring what might be; laughing at the view.