Why It’s Smart To Write on Simily

It’s a new alternative to Medium, and you shouldn’t miss out on this opportunity.

Kristina God, MBA


Woman types Simily in front of laptop
Mockup photo created by tirachardz — www.freepik.com; Simily logo

On Quora, there is one common question (potential) creators seem to be obsessed about:

WHERE should I be writing online to be successful?

One of my favorite online writers, Nicolas Cole, once said:

ANYWHERE. There are success stories on every platform.

In fact, many online writers and Top Writers on Medium claim it’s the golden era of content creators. I couldn’t agree more.

There has never been a better time to write online and get paid for it.

From my individual coaching sessions I know, there are lots of creators who explore blogging platforms and then look which suits them best.

There’s a new opportunity on the horizon.

Unfortunately, most new and aspiring writers have never heard of it before.

This blogging platform looks promising — for non-fiction as well as for fiction writers.

It’s called Simily.

10 reasons why it’s smart to write on Simily



Kristina God, MBA

Award-winning marketing manager I Bestselling Substack author I YouTuber⚡Join my Online Writing Club: https://kristinagod.substack.com