The Official Start of the HoToKeN Pre-sale!

Connor Bottum
Published in
2 min readDec 6, 2017

December 6 is finally upon us, and we greatly appreciate your continued interest in what HoToKeN can bring to the world (or, if this is your first time learning about HoToKeN, check out our initial blog post for details). Today marks the long-awaited start of the pre-sale. While we do plan on keeping you up-to-date on the progress of the pre-sale and our plans for the future, we also want to take a brief moment to remind you about the dates and rules regarding this ITO.

First off, today marks the start of the ITO pre-sale that will conclude on the 20th of January. Whitelisted participants will be able to purchase tokens ahead of time at up to 65% off the public price in limited quantities. After evaluating where we stand at the conclusion of this first segment, our public sale will begin on February 4 and continue for 45 days up through the 20th of March. Please note that these dates differ from our initial announcement: we believe this will help us run the best offering possible. Tokens bought during this period will be issued at USD $0.10. However, please keep in mind that only 3,000,000,000 (3 billion) will be available for the entirety of the ITO.

With the ITO concluded, we will be working non-stop to create our technology. With that complete, users will be given the chance to exchange their ERC20 tokens for these newly-minted, permanent alternative tokens.

We hope this gives you a solid update regarding the plans for our token offering. If you have any questions, please feel free to tweet at us, post on our subreddit, or drop a message on our Facebook wall.

