How to Manage Resource Constraints Without Risks For Project Health [Tips & Examples]

GanttPRO Gantt chart maker
Published in
6 min readFeb 9, 2024
Resource constraints in project management

Resource constraints often hinder great project ideas. These limitations can impede and discourage project teams, even with a well-prepared resource management plan in place.

You should remember that ambitious goals and stakeholder support are insufficient when project management resources face difficulties.

What types of resource constraints disrupt project processes, and how can they be managed effectively?

This article aims to clarify the concept of resource constraints and offer practical solutions for addressing these issues.

What are resource constraints?

Resource constraints in project management mean limitations on resource availability, utilization, and allocation essential for project execution. These constraints can arise from factors such as limited asset availability, budget constraints, competing projects, personnel skill sets, and more.

Addressing these constraints necessitates meticulous planning, prioritization, and optimization to ensure successful project completion within the defined scope and objectives. To facilitate smooth resource allocation and minimize operational obstacles, it’s crucial to recognize and differentiate between these constraints, and effectively balance them when multiple restrictions exist within a single project.

Resource types and constraints

What are the types of resource constraints?

In the process of project planning, various types of resource constraints are encountered. They can be categorized into primary categories, where each limitation affects the execution of the entire project in different ways.

Here we should recall the Project Management Triangle concept. It encompasses the general constraints of project management:

  • Cost.
  • Time.
  • Scope.

The triangle illustrates the relationships between these constraints. When one side is altered, it has an impact on the other two sides.

Next, we will delve into these three types of resource constraints and will add some other equally important restrictions.

1. Time constraints

Time constraints set limits on project or task completion periods, and they are vital because time cannot be extended or recovered.

The duration assigned to a project impacts its quality from planning to completion. Therefore, utilizing professional resource management tools to track task time is essential for effective time management and project success.

Modern resource management tools are valuable for coordinating teams and resources efficiently. They ensure deadlines are met while maintaining work quality.

To manage such constraints, create a schedule, break the project into smaller tasks, and allocate time for each activity, adjusting as necessary.

2. Budget constraints

Project budgets are frequently regarded as the primary factor in determining project success, impacting resource planning at every stage. The established budget typically outlines resource availability, capacity, and allocation.

Financial constraints are primarily determined by cost limitations. They play a crucial role in procurement, staffing, and the overall scope of the project.

Effective managers must leverage their expertise and use robust resource allocation methods to efficiently manage budgets, control expenses, and maximize the utilization of financial resources.

3. Scope constraints

Scope constraints in a project usually pertain to the limitations or boundaries imposed on its scope. Managers should foresee these constraints, including the risk of scope expansion at different project phases, and proactively prevent it. Strategies may involve crafting a thorough project plan and obtaining consent from all stakeholders before proceeding with production.

4. Labor constraints

Workforce management is crucial for project success. Inadequate staffing for project tasks can result in delays and potential failure.

Often, limitations in labor resources can indicate a shortage of individuals with the required skills and experience. This can stem from difficulties in both attracting and retaining skilled personnel.

5. Equipment constraints

This constraint pertains to limited access to vital tools such as machinery, vehicles, hardware, software, or other essential assets for a given project. It may stem from either a scarcity of physical resources or the use of outdated technology, which can impede productive workflows.

The restricted availability of tools and equipment can significantly impact project outcomes. Consequently, it is imperative for project managers to skillfully tackle these hurdles to ensure projects are completed within their designated timelines and budgets.

6. Material constraints

These challenges in project asset management pertain to materials usage. They often relate to the restricted accessibility of essential assets and supplies due to disruptions in the supply chain or heightened demand for specific materials.

PM should prioritize the consideration of materials and supply systems during the project’s initial planning stage, as these constraints can lead to unforeseen challenges and project delays.

7. Legal constraints

Legal constraints involve various regulatory demands that a project must adhere to. These may encompass industry-specific regulations, environmental statutes, safety norms, and other legal obligations. Adhering to these restrictions is crucial, yet it can restrict flexibility in project execution.

Furthermore, legal constraints can lead to additional expenses, necessitating specialized expertise and affecting project timelines.

8. Geographical and environmental constraints

Geographical and environmental constraints refer to limitations on resource utilization driven by some geographical and environmental factors. These restrictions play a crucial role in promoting sustainable asset management and mitigating adverse effects on ecosystems and human well-being.

These constraints typically result from specific policies, regulations, and laws aimed at curbing pollution, preserving natural habitats, and safeguarding resources for future generations. Often, they require a delicate balance between economic and developmental objectives and environmental conservation.

Consistent steps to manage resource constraints 💡

Let’s now consider some recommendations on how to manage resource constraints without extra headaches.

1. Identifying project scope

Project scope identification entails setting distinct project boundaries. This understanding aids in delineating what’s included and excluded, enabling efficient resource allocation in project management. It serves as a safeguard against irrelevant tasks and resource preservation.

To define project scope:

  • Clarify project goals and objectives.
  • Anticipate desired outcomes and success criteria.
  • Employ a WBS creator to break down the scope into smaller segments.
  • Align with stakeholders, assess their expectations, and address scope expansion risks.

2. Understanding potential constraints beforehand

Thoroughly analyze all possible constraints in advance, even before they become apparent. Without a clear understanding of resource-related challenges, effective management becomes difficult. While it may appear trivial, being theoretically prepared for issues is preferable to being unprepared during a critical moment.

3. Selecting a resource management tool

Online solution solutions assist project teams in allocating resources based on priorities and general project requirements.

One of the popular tools for planning and managing resources is GanttPRO.

GanttPRO for managing resource constraints

Its Gantt chart with resource allocation serves as a reliable visualization system that lets managers schedule, organize, assign, and control resources.

Project managers all over the world choose this Gantt software because it helps them reach excellence in planning, project management, task tracking, deadline control, and advanced resource allocation.

GanttPRO assists in dividing projects into smaller tasks and subtasks as well as specifying deadlines for them. You can add milestones and dependencies between tasks.

4. Visualizing and allocating resources

Project teams often find it convenient to centralize their resources in a single and easily manageable location.

With GanttPRO, you can place all tasks on a Gantt chart, invite team members, and even allocate virtual resources, such as people, materials, equipment, and tools.

Once these resources are in place, it becomes straightforward to assign team members or resources to specific activities. In GanttPRO, you have the flexibility to allocate one or multiple assets to each task.

5. Planning what’s ahead

A well-crafted project plan enables you to address constraints and manage resource limitations as they arise. For instance, GanttPRO facilitates time tracking and cost estimation.

This tool allows you to monitor working hours for team members, aiding in project progress evaluation and resource performance assessment. Additionally, it simplifies financial management by enabling budget scheduling and real-time expense monitoring, ensuring adherence to cost constraints. You can specify costs for project assets on an hourly, per-item, or overall basis.

6. Workload control

When individuals are assigned excessive workloads that exceed their capacity, it can lead to rapid stress and overexertion. By using GanttPRO, you gain a clear visualization of workloads, facilitating efficient work scheduling and resource management. This tool simplifies task monitoring, allows for timely adjustments in resource allocation, and minimizes potential constraints.

7. Preventing risks

You should find and apply available risk evaluation techniques to pinpoint, evaluate, and strategize against potential threats to your project.

By establishing a comprehensive risk management strategy, you can shield your project from significant dangers and be well-prepared for any unforeseen challenges that may arise.

Would you like to get more insights about the common resource constraints and explore real-life examples? Please do it by following the full version of this article

