Myths about climate change

Yury Erofeev
18 min readApr 17, 2023

There is a huge amount of clarification and debate on climate change available on the Internet. Some are written in a trendy way and give the right numbers and facts, but without having a targeted audience, look toothless. Others are too special. Still, others tendentiously interpret the facts, not understanding their deep physical relationship. If we exclude the meaningless cries of “freaks”, then the discussion of the third type dominates. Pulling this or that fact out of the whole, activists and skeptics start a verbal skirmish about its meaning. At the same time, ordinary people, if they listen to this skirmish, then with bewilderment, because they do not see what problems this creates for them. The text presented below tries to some extent focus on the practical significance of climate change, on the importance of understanding its causes and consequences, and hence the possibility of predicting and taking the least costly countermeasures.

Everyone understands the climate!

“Am I not seeing climate warming today?!”

One has to hear arguments of this kind: “Yesterday I went out into the street — frost is minus 20. And this is in March! I heard that this year the winter was the coldest in the last 100 years. And they still tell me about global warming!” What is wrong with such reasoning?

Figure 1. Global surface air temperature anomalies (until November 2017), according to NASA GISS data.

