Business Model Basics for an Online Store

3 min readSep 25, 2022


Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

If you are thinking of launching your business online you may want to consider which business model is right for you. A business model is a framework that businesses use to generate revenue and profit. In other words, it’s a plan for how a business will make money. There are many different types of business models out there, each with its strengths and weaknesses.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular business models used by businesses today.

The three most common types of business models are service-based, product-based, and subscription-based.

Service-based Business Model

Service-based businesses are businesses that provide a service to their customers. The service can be anything from haircuts to home repairs. Some service-based businesses require customers to come to them (e.g., a hair salon), while others can bring their services directly to the customer (e.g., a mobile car wash).

Advantages of Service-based Business Models

  1. Can be started with little to no capital investment
  2. Low overhead costs
  3. Flexible pricing models
  4. Scalable

Disadvantages of Service-based Business Models

  1. Relies heavily on the skills of the business owner and employees
  2. May have difficulty generating repeat customers
  3. Can be seasonal

Product-based Business Model

Product-based businesses are businesses that sell products to their customers. These products can be anything from clothes to cupcakes. Product-based businesses can either sell their products online or in brick-and-mortar stores (or both!).

Advantages of Product-based Business Models

  1. Can be started with little to no capital investment
  2. Low overhead costs
  3. Flexible pricing models
  4. Scalable

Disadvantages of Product-based Business Models

  1. Relies heavily on the skills of the business owner and employees
  2. May have difficulty generating repeat customers
  3. Can be seasonal

Subscription-based Business Model

Subscription-based businesses are businesses that charge their customers regularly for access to a product or service. This could be anything from a monthly gym membership to a quarterly wine club subscription. Subscription-based businesses typically have recurring revenue streams, which can be very valuable for long-term growth.

Advantages of Subscription-based Business Models

  1. Recurring revenue streams can provide stability and predictability
  2. Can be scaled quickly and easily
  3. Customer loyalty and stickiness are typically high

Disadvantages of Subscription-based Business Models

  1. May require a significant upfront investment
  2. Can be difficult to get customers to sign up for the first time

How to choose the right business model?

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

The best business model for your business will depend on several factors, including your industry, target market, and resources.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but here are a few things to keep in mind as you choose the right business model for your business:

1. What value are you offering to your customers?
2. Who is your target market?
3. What resources do you have available?
4. How much money do you need to make?
5. What are your long-term goals for your business?

Once you’ve answered these questions, you should have a better idea of which type of business model is right for your business.

If you’re still not sure, there’s no shame in seeking out the advice of a business advisor or consultant. They can help you figure out which business model is best for your unique situation.

It’s a Wrap

There you have it! A beginner’s guide to business models. As you can see, there are many different types of business models out there, each with its strengths and weaknesses.

It’s important to choose the right business model for your business based on your products, services, and target market.

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Thanks for reading!




Shrewd Founder is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and business owners reach their goals faster.