5 Lessons I Learned After Publishing 550+ Articles Online

I didn’t expect these to be true.

Sinem Günel
The Startup


Image by Author // If you’re brand new to online writing, you can download my *free* beginner’s guide here.

When I started to write online 4+ years ago, I didn’t expect my words to have a significant impact on anyone’s life. In fact, I didn’t expect much at all. I was just curious and gave it a try.

550+ articles later, my writing has turned into a thriving online business that helps me generate multiple six-figure profits per year, millions of readers have read my articles online, I’ve built an email list with over 40,000 subscribers, and I’m making money by doing what I love and only working around 25 hours per week.

I know these types of posts often sound braggy, but my intention is the opposite: I just want to show you what’s possible if you stick to your dreams for a while.

I’m the child of an immigrant family with parents and grandparents who always had to work hard. There was no “working smart” when they came to a new country without even speaking the language.

When I was born, my parents, grandparents, uncle, and I lived in a tiny apartment.

I started working at my first job when I was 15 years old. I worked as a waitress, in a call center, and as a private tutor.



Sinem Günel
The Startup

I help you create a business and life you love. ⚡ Start here: https://mwa.ck.page/5day