Arianee Hits Exciting Milestone With New Technical Demo

Alexandre Cognard
Published in
5 min readAug 7, 2018
Arianee Technical Demo

We would like to take our community on a test drive of our technical demo so that they can explore exactly how the app works under the hood.

Our goal is to provide end users with a method that enables them to use the Arianee Protocol, without really knowing that blockchain technology or crypto assets are even involved in the process.

Now let’s go under the hood.

Arianee alpha runs on the Sokol POA testnet

At the moment, Arianee operates on an Ethereum-based public blockchain under Proof of Authority (POA) consensus. During this preliminary period, we are utilizing the Sokol POA testnet to experiment with our demo, but we plan to deploy our smart contracts onto the Arianee mainnet once it has been fully developed and launched.

An earlier version of the demo was running on the Rinkeby Ethereum testnet. However, the 15-second block size took too much time in circumstances where we were demonstrating how the app works to brands and other interested parties.

The 5-second block size of the Sokol POA tesnet offers a much smoother user experience, as opposed to the 23 seconds it had once taken. Five to seven seconds is just enough time for users not to feel like the system is lagging, ensuring them that the transaction is being effectively registered, secured and confirmed on the blockchain.

Products are Non-Fungible Tokens

Products registered on the Arianee protocol are issued a unique and unreplicable digital identity, rendering them as Smart-Assets. These are known as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), which are in accordance with the ERC-721 standard

Anytime a Smart-Asset is created by the user, they need to pay GAS in the native token (either ETH or POA depending on the network) in order to record this information on the blockchain.

To streamline the user experience, we leverage a “faucet” that, if needed, delivers small amounts of no more than 0.1 Ether to a user’s wallet. This faucet is powered by a smart contract, which handles the transfer of the micro-Ether to the end-user. This ether will be distributed from a central authority to the end user’s public key — allowing users to have the exact amount of Ether required to publish data onto the blockchain.

In its final release, we do not expect this mechanism to be based on Ether balances. Instead, the user would need to own at least one Arianee certificate in order to be able to complete a transaction-enabling us to identify real users and automatically pay for their transactions fees.

In our demo, the user can create a Smart-Asset to represent their valuable assets. The transaction is then recorded on the blockchain, making it immutable and unique. Once this transaction is validated, the user becomes the sole owner of the asset.

For the purpose of this demo, we added a feature that enables users to create an Arianee digital certificate. When the final product is released, however, this feature will be limited to certified users such as brands and product experts who own ARIA tokens and are authorized to issue these certificates.

Actions on Smart Assets

A Smart-Asset owner is the only person authorized and able to take these actions:

Transferring ownership of the Smart-Asset

A certificate must be converted into a “requestable” certificate in order for it to be transferred. To initiate the transfer, the owner would need to add a “passphrase” to the certificate, which protects it from theft or unauthorized access. This passphrase is hashed with KECCAK256 and then pushed to the corresponding smart contract on the blockchain.

To request this kind of certificate, a new transaction with the passphrase needs to be submitted. Once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, the certificate changes ownership and a transfer occurs between the current owner and the user who initiated the transaction.

Asynchronously transferring the Smart-Asset (when a passphrase or a dedicated QR Code is known)

Our platform enables brands to print QR codes embedded with a passphrase onto a paper certificate. This paper can then be placed into the box of a new item (such as a luxury watch) when it is sold.

The new owner of the watch can simply scan the QR code with the Arianee wallet, and BOOM! He/she is now the brand new owner of the certificate, which nobody else will be able to take any action on it without his/her permission.

Destroying the Smart-Asset permanently

We expect the process by which a Smart-Asset can be recorded as destroyed or lost to be implemented in later versions of Arianee, but owners will assuredly have the authorization to take this type of action. Ideally, the brand that has issued the certificate would need to be notified of this action immediately in order to permanently remove the asset from their product registry.

Hybrid Mobile App

We have developed a hybrid mobile app that is available here:

The app currently implements the UX for these features:

  • Create a new Ethereum public address (public & private key);
  • Call upon the faucet in order to request ether;
  • Connect to the Arianee Protocol smart contract to fetch owned certificates; and
  • Allow users to manage their certificates (transfer, request & create new certificates)

The app is clearly in an alpha state, but it brings Arianee to life. We hope that this demo gives people an idea as to how our protocol and user experience function, so as to better understand Arianee’s vision.

About Arianee

Arianee is the first perpetual, anonymous and trusted record of all global assets, enabling a revolutionary link between owners and brands. If you would like to learn more, download our White Paper here and get in touch with us; join the growing Arianee community!

If you are interested in joining the private round of the token sale please fill in this form to apply for the white list:

