3 min readDec 3, 2017

Travelling around the world and discovering new destinations is, for a fair amount of human beings, a way to find purpose, inner peace, or even a chance to enjoy the multi-diversity that our small planet can provide.

Although this is a very romantic concept, in reality travelling can be very expensive and maybe even unaffordable for some. Especially concerning the accommodation matter, even in the modern residence -sharing era, pricing is a factor that could make you cancel your expedition plans.

After conducting a respective research, a group of young people around Europe has realized that the reason the rates of the hospitality industry are so high, is because almost 30% of the total amount paid is distributed among middlemen. So, either you want to book an accommodation for your trip or share your residence with a traveller that visits your city, you instantly have to succumb into, what seems to be, an unfair deal.

The above group did not just stop there. They wanted to find a way to avoid this superfluous expense, and by utilizing the benefits that the modern era of Blockchain provides, they created Acomobase : the first decentralized accommodation marketplace using blockchain technology and artificial intelligence powered by smart contracts to enable seamless and personalized travel with particular focus on mobile devices, making the fee to reach near — zero levels.

One might wonder at this point, what exactly will Acomobase do and why should the reader trust this company. Let us get your full attention in the following lines, where we attempt to cover all your potential inquiries.

In stark difference with other travel industry proposals Acomobase vision is not limited only on innovating at the low hanging fruit level of just embedding alternative blockchain payment methods to otherwise existing business models. Our platform focuses on open ended coupled innovation and a cooperative approach with incumbents balancing sustaining innovation with the new radical innovation of decentralized systems to reduce transactions cost, improve record keeping and transactional traceability.

More specifically we propose:

A proprietary model of demand aggregation

Disintermediation and redistribution of value to hosts and users by bypassing traditional value chains through technology and partnerships

Enhanced transparency and trust

Reduced possibility of fraud on transactions

Incentivised ecosystem of users and partners

Data monetisation possibilities

Harnessing the unique penetration and capabilities of mobile devices

Acomobase aims to radically improve the efficiency of accommodation by creating a new token — the ACO — that can be exchanged between hosts and users eliminating all middlemen.

In case you are as excited as we are about the revolution of travelling, you can participate in the actualization of the vision that Acomobase stands for, by supporting the ICO token sale or by spreading the world across your community.

Travelling around the world, creates experiences that are priceless, and are surely one of the most memorable points in a person’s lifetime. Acomobase wants to facilitate all the procedures, and let you enjoy the substance.

Hurry and get rewarded with a 25% bonus for a limited time only!

The hospitality game is changing. Be a part of this change.