Introducing… Dot Dot Dot

Dot Dot Finance
3 min readApr 3, 2022


… A new protocol on BSC? Let’s do this.

Just over a week ago, Ellipsis Finance introduced their new “Ellipsis 2.0” version, to the excitement of both Ellipsis users and the Binance Smart Chain community as a whole. This new version includes a migration from EPS to EPX as well as a new mechanism, allowing users to direct EPX incentives to the pool of their choice. A mechanism first popularized by Curve and Convex Finance, this voting mechanism is at the core of Dot Dot, a brand new protocol launching soon on BSC.

Simply put, Dot Dot is Convex for Ellipsis.

While a deep-dive into how Curve and Convex compliment each other is highly recommended to all DeFi users, a lightning-quick summary of how the Convex model makes Dot Dot so exciting should suffice. Like Convex does to CRV, Dot Dot will aggregate EPX rewards and voting power. Dot Dot also rewards EPX depositors with DDD rewards. Yield aggregation simplifies the incentive process for users, while boosting rewards… Need we say more?

The Token… DDD

DDD is the protocol token for Dot Dot. A few key bits of info:

  • DDD can be locked for 1–16 weeks to receive voting power, bribes and a 2.5% share of farmed EPX by the protocol.
  • DDD is also earned by Ellipsis liquidity providers at a rate of 20:1(EPX:DDD).
  • DDD lockers are looked after- A hardcoded vote of 5% for dEPX/EPX pool (with an additional 2.5% of all farmed EPX being converted to dEPX) means the protocol can maintain an ongoing base rate.
  • Liquidity providers can receive a 3x bonus on their DDD if they convert their EPX rewards into dEPX at the time of claiming.

Again… It’s just that good…¯\_(ツ)_/¯

EPX Lockers

Starting from the launch, we will be incentivizing the first 25 billion EPX (~284m EPS) which are locked as dEPX. Users doing so will receive DDD at a ratio of 500:1(EPX/DDD). This allows up to 50m DDD being minted in the first 13 weeks!

“But… What if I am locked in an EPS v1 position?”

In the first week, users with locked EPS v1 positions can call to register their locks and reserve the right to deposit EPX later. The right to deposit is valid for 1 week after the lock expires. Important: if the user does not deposit in that time, the amount is unreserved and can be taken by anyone.

…So… Stay diligent and… Don’t be late.

dEPX- A Tokenized EPX Means More Utility

dEPX is our locked EPX position, tokenized to be put to further use. The supply is always 1:1 with the amount of EPX locked by Dot Dot, to allay peg concerns.

dEPX locks to earn protocol fees. Locking works similar to staking, with the following rules:

  1. Once locked, you start earnings fees and you cannot unlock for 8 days.
  2. To withdraw locked tokens you must request the unlock, which streams the tokens out over 15 days. While tokens are unlocking, they do not earn any fees.

This model ensures that users can retrieve their locks in a timely fashion compared to many other protocols, while preventing bank run-like liquidity issues.

dEPX Lockers receive:

  • 10% of all EPX farmed by the protocol.
  • All Ellipsis trading fees earned by the protocol.
  • The equivalent DDD minted from all EPX taken as protocol fees.

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The team at Dot Dot are incredibly excited to append the launch of Ellipsis 2.0. We strive to become a staple for the Ellipsis community in the way Convex has done so with Curve. We look forward to engaging with our community, providing the best options possible for our users, and…

Seeing you all at launch!



Dot Dot Finance

A yield aggregator for Ellipsis Finance on #BNB Smart Chain