Being Glued To Your Phone Is A Clue You’re Cheating

So get them used to it first.

Teresa J Conway 🧚🏻‍♀️
The Scarlett Letter
3 min readOct 12, 2020


Photo by Glen Anthony on Unsplash

Changes to Phone Use Habits

Everyone has a phone and uses it in their way. Don’t be fooled — your spouse knows exactly what you do with yours. While meeting your affair partner will be tough; communicating with them is easy. You can do it while sitting with your spouse in a restaurant or while you’re helping your kid with their homework. If you are the sort who always has the phone glued to your hand, you can get away with it.

Increasing Activity

If you aren’t glued to your phone before you start cheating, she’ll notice you checking your phone every seven seconds.

If your alerts are on, it’ll start chirping like a flock of seagulls. It will vibrate off the table with the horniness.

And your spouse will notice.

They know how often your phone buzzes and will hear the change, even if they don’t see you drooling over the screen.

She’ll also notice your fingers flying over the keyboard — if that’s new. They’ll definitely notice you whispering into the phone or going into the other room to take a call.

Changing Your Habits

