Reducing GHG — it’s down to you and me!

W Green Pay
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2018

We have all heard it one way or another — the words “global warming” and “climate change” pop up on our news feeds every now and then but the two concepts are often mistaken for synonyms.

There is an important difference between them. Global warming is caused by the greenhouse effect and refers only to Earth’s increasing surface temperature, while climate change includes both the warming and the effects of warming, like melting glaciers or more frequent drought.

When scientists or world leaders talk about global warming, they almost always mean human-caused warming — warming due to unprecedented increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

Throughout history, Earth has been through an average of seven cycles of glacial advance and retreat in the last 650,000 years.

With the last ice age marking the start of the modern climate era — and of human civilization. Most of these climate changes can be attributed to minor variations in Earth’s orbit but the current warming of Earth is of particular significance because it is mostly and extremely likely to be the result of human activities.

To put things into perspective, human activities maximize the greenhouse effect causing Earth’s temperatures to increase more than what is necessary or natural.

And what does this mean to all of us?

The increase of global temperature brings on disastrous consequences — consequences that can wipe out entire species of plants and animals, perhaps someday even mankind. And, the worst effects of climate change can cause small island countries to disappear entirely.

Time is not on our side — we must act now to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in order to mitigate climate change impacts. And, there are many simple ways which you can do so at home by reducing waste, reusing products and recycling.

Still sounds like too much effort? What if you can effectively help bring down GHG levels and earn rewards at the same time all from a tap of your finger?

Our HOOXI app does just that! HOOXI app gamifies GHG reductions into simple missions which you can easily complete and pits you against your friends to race to the top of the leaderboard — the first ones to the top win WGP rewards!

Download HOOXI here: Android / iOS

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W Green Pay

The reward method of HOOXI App to its users' GHG reduction efforts.