Your Employees Have Resolutions — Are You Helping Them Succeed?

45% of Americans make a resolution, but 24% will never reach their goal.

Mindy Pierce
Thrive Global


They’re back…your employees. And they’ve brought with them hopes and dreams for a new year. They’re currently filled with excitement and renewed energy for their personal and professional resolutions. They’re at their workstation going through the motions of getting back into the swing of things, but they’re secretly consumed by the goals they have committed to achieving.

Do you know what their plans are? If 45% of Americans are making a resolution this year, what does 45% equate to in your employee count? Unfortunately, 24% will never reach their goal. Talk about heartbreak.

Do you want to support them in achieving their goals? Of course you do…but how? How can you help them make it through the first few weeks of their intentions and even on to achieve their goal? According to Statistic Brain, 39% of people in their twenties achieve their resolution, while just 14% over 50 achieve their resolution. What does that look like for your workforce demographics?

Career Builder surveyed over 3,400 employees on their 2017 resolutions. Let’s look at the top few for 2017 and how your workplace can support your employees in achieving their new hopes and…



Mindy Pierce
Thrive Global

Eternal optimist. Enneagram 7, 9. Recovering spin instructor. Not afraid of change. Enjoy big ideas. Prefer kindness. | Business Growth Leader