How Anxiety Can Guide You to Your True Calling

Don’t be afraid of your anxiety; lean into it to know what you really want.

Khyati Jain


A woman working on her laptop.
Image by Werner Heiber from Pixabay

I failed at writing for 18 months, and then suddenly, one day out of nowhere, I succeeded at it.

Overnight success is the biggest scam of all. You don’t know the dark side of someone else’s success.

I transformed from an underachieving employee to my own boss, and my anxiety is the sole reason for this achievement.

Nobody cares, David!

My favorite show right now is Schitt's creek. Watching uber-rich people struggle with irrelevancy is the best way to decompress.

It’s amusing to see how bad they are at real life. One such incident is when David, a 34-year-old man, is panicking before his driver’s test.

He has cribbling test anxiety and the fact that he failed the driver’s test multiple times in the past doesn't help.

He is dreading this test. He takes his frustration out on his sister who had agreed to drive him to the test; he accuses her of getting everything easily in life.

But Alexis, ever the empath, keeps her calm and explains to David, that no one cares about his test.



Khyati Jain

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-