Can Skipping Breakfast Actually Kill You?

Are you a habitual ‘breakfast skipper’?

Saniya Aamir
The Startup


Photo by Nyana Stoica on Unsplash

Most of us here are guilty to have skipped the first meal of the day at some point in our lives or another.

It’s usually because of three reasons:

1) Feeling full.

2) Running late for work.

3) Intermittent Fasting.

Photo by Kipras Štreimikis on Unsplash

But is that enough reason to risk your health and eventually your life in the long term?

According to a new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, skipping breakfast has been linked to Atherosclerosis and Cardio-vascular disease — two of the major causes of death universally.

It was found that those who had not taken a single meal of breakfast in their lives were at 87% greater risk of developing cardiovascular disease than those who regularly had their breakfast.

This observation was made after keeping factors such as age, race, sex, lifestyle, socioeconomic status and diet constant.

“Breakfast is traditionally believed as the most or at least one of the most important…



Saniya Aamir
The Startup

Just a dental professional trying to make dental care more accessible… one article at a time