June 2019 — The Gnosis Monthly Development Update

Keeping up with the Gnosis developers

Eric Gorski
2 min readJun 3, 2019


Welcome to the second Gnosis Monthly Development Update. At the beginning of every month, we will recap notable development milestones we’ve achieved in our major projects.

In this edition, we’ll take a look at the Gnosis Safe and Gnosis Protocol.

But first, a special appearance from the dxDAO.

The dxDAO is a next-generation decentralized autonomous organization for community governance of software protocols. It’s a first attempt at creating a super-scalable organization, which means that its ability to efficiently coordinate increases as it grows.

Most DAOs launching today have predefined members. But the dxDAO does not pre-allocate voting power. Instead, there’s a month long initialization period that anyone can participate in here to earn voting power.

That period started just a few days ago on May 29, 2019. Get involved today or follow this Twitter for updates. Or read the white paper here.

The Gnosis Safe

  1. New client releases. We recently released an update to the iOS app with further UX and design improvements.
  2. Transaction tracing. The Safe development team is also working on a new feature that would let users track transactions to and from their wallet. The backend development for this feature is finished and it will be integrated and available (soon) in an upcoming release.
  3. The Team Safe. The Team Safe is also on the horizon. This edition of the Gnosis Safe is targeted at groups of people managing shared funds. A version of this wallet is currently being tested internally.

Check out the Gnosis Safe GitHub repositories: safe-contracts, safe-ios, safe-android, safe-browser-extension.

Gnosis Protocol

A quick refresher: Gnosis Protocol is a fully decentralized trading protocol which facilitates ring trades via discrete auction between several ERC20 token pairs. It uses a batch auction for arbitrage-free exchanges while maximizing trader surplus to facilitate the development of a fairer web 3.0-ecosystem for everyone (if you want to learn more check out Benjamin Smith’s talk at EthCC here).

  1. Transparent design decisions. Right now, the Gnosis Protocol team is engaging in open discussions around design decisions and implementation details related to the Gnosis Protocol. How does order cancellation work? What about rollover orders? You can follow those conversations here.
  2. Formal auction mechanism classification. The Gnosis Protocol team is also working on the formal classification of the auction mechanism, according to existing frameworks in the discipline of algorithmic game theory. If you’re interested in these questions, Benjamin Smith from the Gnosis Protocol team highly recommends this lecture series.

Check out the Gnosis Protocol GitHub repositories: dex-services and dex-contracts.

Want to check out last month’s development newsletter? Read it here.

Thanks for checking out this months edition of the Gnosis Monthly Development Update. See you again in June and be sure to follow Gnosis on Twitter!

