Why We Just Love To Hate Women Like Amber Heard

What we are witnessing today is a tale as old as time

Katie Jgln
The Noösphere


Photo by Andrea Raffin from Shutterstock

She is the Devil incarnate.

She is mentally unstable.

She is a bitch.

A psychopath. A liar. A slut. A temptress. A gold digger. A cheater. An attention-seeker. A witch to be burnt at stake.

Everything she does is scripted, conniving, and manipulative.


I’ve never seen a famous man become a target of hate and vitriol as Amber Heard has.

And I’ve watched closely and written about several other high-profile cases in which men were accused of far worse things than what Heard allegedly did. But none of them was ‘lucky’ enough to receive the same treatment she is receiving now.

None. Not even during the peak of the #MeToo movement.

But seeing millions of people all over the internet hate a woman they’ve never met in real life with such intensity and passion makes me think their loathing has to do with something bigger than just Amber Heard.

Why does the crowd love to hate women, seemingly since the beginning of time? And what does it mean for the rest of us?

The mob has always attacked…

